Studying Technical Medicine at the University of Twente, I already focused on respiratory physiology with a graduation project on the pulmonary function department of the Medisch Spectrum Twente in Enschede.
From 2011 I started to work at the University of Twente as lecturer in the Technical Medicine program, and as a PhD student. My PhD project focused on monitoring and regulation of supported breathing in Intensive Care, in collaboration with the Intensive Care of the Radboud hospital in Nijmegen.
After obtaining my PhD in 2018, I went to the United States for a postdoc at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where I worked on an algorithm for automatic detection of self-similarity and prediction of residual central events during continuous positive airway pressure. 

From 2019, I was appointed as an assistant professor in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology group. My research focuses on regulation of breathing and noninvasive methods to assess lung mechanics and activity of respiratory muscles. An important tool is electromyography (EMG) of the respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm. Although noninvasive measurement of respiratory EMG, with surface electrodes attached on the skin, challenges data analysis due to movement artefacts and interference of activity from other muscles, it has the potential to be of high clinical value in daily monitoring of patients on the intensive care or during home mechanical ventilation. Other tools include pressure and flow monitoring and interventions in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. In all monitoring tools, I aim to study adequate acquisition, advanced analysis and clinical adaptation and interpretation of the data. All is focused at gaining more insight in the respiratory pump physiology, leading to better adaptation and weaning of patients from mechanical ventilation.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Patient
    • Diaphragm
    • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
    • Noninvasive Ventilation
    • Pressure Support Ventilation
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    • Systematic Review
    • Breathing



Advanced waveform analysis of diaphragm surface EMG allows for continuous non-invasive assessment of respiratory effort in critically ill patients at different PEEP levels, Article 195. Warnaar, R. S. P., Cornet, A. D., Beishuizen, A., Moore, C. M., Donker, D. W. & Oppersma, E. and applications of respiratory surface EMG: report of a round table meetingCritical care, 28(2) (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Jonkman, A. H., Warnaar, R., Baccinelli, W., Carbon, N. M., D'Cruz, R. F., Doorduin, J., van Doorn, J. L. M., Elshof, J., Estrada-Petrocelli, L., Grasshoff, J., Heunks, L. M. A., Koopman, A. A., Langer, D., Moore, C. M., Nunez Silveira, J. M., Petersen, E., Poddighe, D., Ramsay, M., Rodrigues, A., … Oppersma, E.
Computational physiological models for individualised mechanical ventilation: a systematic literature review focussing on quality, availability, and clinical readinessCritical care, 27(1), Article 268. Warnaar, R. S. P., Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L., Cornet, A. D., Heunks, L. M. A., Donker, D. W. & Oppersma, E. electromyography to quantify neuro-respiratory drive and neuro-mechanical coupling in mechanically ventilated childrenRespiratory research, 24, Article 77. Koopman, A. A., van Dijk, J., Oppersma, E., Blokpoel, R. G. T. & Kneyber, M. C. J. A Python library for preprocessing and analysis of respiratory EMGJournal of open source software, 8(90), Article 05251. Moore, C. M., Baccinelli, W., Sivokon, O., Warnaar, R. S. P. & Oppersma, E. readiness of virtual patient models for individualised mechanical ventilation: a systematic literature review. Warnaar, R., Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L., Cornet, A. D., Heunks, L. M. A., Donker, D. W. & Oppersma, E.Using a smartwatch to record precordial electrocardiograms: a validation studyEuropace, 25(Suppl. 1), Article euad122.637. van der Zande, J. L., Strik, M., Dubois, R., Ploux, S., Abu-Alrub, S., Donker, D. W., Oppersma, E. & Bordachar, P. a Smartwatch to Record Precordial Electrocardiograms: A Validation StudySensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(5), Article 2555. van der Zande, J., Strik, M., Dubois, R., Ploux, S., Alrub, S. A., Caillol, T., Nasarre, M., Donker, D. W., Oppersma, E. & Bordachar, P.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


Visiting address

University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 3181
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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