Efi Nakopoulou is a Postdoctoral researcher (DIRECT project) in Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS) section. 

Her PhD focused on the examination of EU’s research policy and the technoscientific research networks for solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies. Towards this end, she examined the EU research and development (R&D) funding flows for solar PV technologies, covering the period from 1975 to 2020. She linked these research funding flows to the raw material flows of the technologies and their respective geopolitics and externalities along the PV production chain – i.e. from mining to recycling.

She is interested in: EU's political economy for/of research, knowledge-based economy, mission-oriented policies, responsible research and innovation, notions of justice (e.g. energy, environmental), governance of knowledge and innovations, circular economy, geopolitics and colonization.

She holds a PhD in History of Science and Technology form the University of Athens, whereas prior to that she completed her MA on European Studies on Science, Society and Technology from the University of Maastricht and her BSc on Philosophy and History of Science from the University of Athens. 


Other contributions

Peer-reviewed articles

Efi Nakopoulou and Stathis Arapostathis, "Material Flows and the Geopolitics of PV: Constructing the Geographies of the EU Research Networks for Solar PV Technologies", ICON 28 (2023), 148-179.

Chris Foulds, Sarah Royston, Thomas Berker, Efi Nakopoulou, Zareen Pervez Bharucha, Rosie Robison, Simone Abram, Branko Ančić, Stathis Arapostathis, Gabriel Badescu, Richard Bull, Jed Cohen, Tessa Dunlop, Niall Dunphy, Claire Dupont, Corinna Fischer, Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Catherine Grandclément, Eva Heiskanen, Nicola Labanca, Maria Jeliazkova, Helge Jörgens, Margit Keller, Florian Kern, Patrizia Lombardi, Ruth Mourik, Michael Ornetzeder, Peter J. G. Pearson, Harald Rohracher, Marlyne Sahakian, Ramazan Sari, Karina Standal, Lidija Živčič, "An agenda for future Social Sciences and Humanities research on energy efficiency: 100 priority research questions", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 223 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01243-z

Efi Nakopoulou and Stathis Arapostathis, "Reconfiguring technologies by funding transitions: priorities, policies, and the renewable energy sources in the European Community funding schemes", Journal of Energy History/Revue d'Histoire de l'Énergie [Online], n°4, published 27 July 2020 http://energyhistory.eu/en/special-issue/reconfiguring-technologies-funding-transitions-priorities-policies-and-renewable


Other publications

Foulds, C., Berker, T., Royston, S., Nakopoulou, E., Suboticki, I., 2021. Energy efficiency: A Social Sciences and Humanities annotated bibliography (Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS).

Foulds, C., Royston, S., Berker, T., Nakopoulou, E., Abram, S., Ančić, B., Arapostathis, E., Badescu, G., Bull, R., Cohen, J., Dunlop, T., Dunphy, N., Dupont, C., Fischer, C., Gram-Hanssen, K., Grandclément, C., Heiskanen, E., Labanca, N., Jeliazkova, M., Jörgens, H., Keller, M., Kern, F., Lombardi, P., Mourik, R., Ornetzeder, M., Pearson, P., Rohracher, H., Sahakian, M., Sari, R., Standal, K., Živčič, L., 2020. 100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for energy efficiency in Horizon Europe (Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS).


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