My research focuses on understanding and quantifying the risks that populations and assets (buildings, infrastructure, agriculture) face from natural hazards. I develop and assess exposure and empirical impact datasets at local, regional, and global scales.

During my PhD at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, I quantified the impacts of lava flows on the built environment by conducting post-eruption damage assessments and developing impact forecasting models. As a Research Fellow, I expanded my focus to the global scale, assessing the exposure of cities to volcanic hazards. Currently, my work examines the potential impacts of high-impact, low-probability eruptions.

By supporting risk assessments, my research aims to inform disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies, ultimately enhancing community resilience to natural hazards. I am also interested in ethical approaches to disaster research.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Hazard
    • Volcanology
    • Lava Flow
    • Volcanic Eruption
    • Population Exposure
    • Volcano
    • Built Environment
    • Investigation




Catastrophic lava flow levee failure: precursors, processes, and implications (2025)Volcanica, 8(1). Gallant, E., Dietterich, H., Patrick, M., Hyman, D., Carr, B., Lyons, J. & Meredith, E. S. near volcanoes: Which cities are most exposed to volcanic hazards? (2025)[Working paper › Preprint]. European Geophysical Union (EGU). Meredith, E. S., Teng, R. X. N., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Biass, S. & Handley, H. K.


Correction to: How well do concentric radii approximate population exposure to volcanic hazards? (2024)Bulletin Volcanologique, 86(2). Article 16. Biass, S., Jenkins, S. F., Hayes, J. L., Williams, G. T., Meredith, E. S., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Lerner, G. A., Burgos, V., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A. well do concentric radii approximate population exposure to volcanic hazards? (2024)Bulletin Volcanologique, 86(1). Article 3. Biass, S., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Williams, G. t., Meredith, E. s., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Lerner, G. a., Burgos, V., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A. flow impacts on the built environment: insights from a new global dataset (2024)Journal of Applied Volcanology, 13(1). Article 1. Meredith, E. s., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Lallemant, D., Deligne, N. i. & Teng, N. r. x.


Analysis of lava flow impacts for use in risk assessments (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation external]. Nanyang Technological University. Meredith, E. S. inclusive is volcanology? Insights from global bibliometric analyses (2023)Volcanica, 6(1), 77-94. Lerner, G. a., Williams, G. t., Meredith, E. s., Jenkins, S. f. & Barclay, J.


Integrating criticality concepts into road network disruption assessments for volcanic eruptions (2022)Journal of Applied Volcanology, 11(1). Hayes, J. l., Biass, S., Jenkins, S. f., Meredith, E. s. & Williams, G. t. assessment for the 2018 lower East Rift Zone lava flows of Kīlauea volcano, Hawai (2022)Bulletin Volcanologique, 84(7). Meredith, E. s., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Deligne, N. i., Lallemant, D., Patrick, M. & Neal, C. and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards (2022)Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 22(4), 1233-1265. Jenkins, S. f., Biass, S., Williams, G. t., Hayes, J. l., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Burgos, V., Meredith, E. s., Lerner, G. a., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A.

Research profiles


University of Twente

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