I am an associate professor of smart manufacturing and supply chain planning at the University of Twente, focusing on resilience of our production systems and supply chains.

I received my Ph.D. from Middle East Technical University, Turkey, in 2010. I worked as a researcher and instructor at Cankaya University, Turkish Military Academy, Eindhoven University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam (part-time). I have been involved in research projects on proactive after-sales service logistics for capital goods (ProSeLo, ProSeLoNext) and proactive maintenance planning (MANTIS).

My research lies in enhancing the resilience and agility of supply chain and production systems by using data embedded in these systems and enabling predictive & and proactive planning in supply chains by combining model- and data-driven methods. My research focuses on two application areas: (i) proactive after-sales service logistics, predictive maintenance, and supply chain control towers for capital goods manufacturers, and (ii) smart, data-driven production and supply planning particularly for SMEs.

I am currently working on three project initiatives: (1) PERISCOP and smaller projects around it on AI-empowered flexible production and supply planning for SME+s, and coordinating this project and participating as a co-lead, (2) DESIRE on smart, sustainability, and resilient manufacturing with a bit broader focus with a role of co-applicant and WP-leader, and (3) OpsCenter on service control towers for after-sales service logistics and participating in this project as a co-applicant.


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Stock
    • Storage Facility
  • Social Sciences

    • Control
    • Inventories
    • Service Industries
    • Intervention
  • Computer Science

    • Heuristics
    • Models





Operational planning in service control towers – heuristics and case study (2022)European journal of operational research, 302(3), 983-998. Gerrits, B., Topan, E. & van der Heijden, M. C.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.01.025Using supervised machine learning for B2B sales forecasting: A case study of spare parts sales forecasting at an after-sales service provider (2022)Expert systems with applications, 188. Article 115925. Rohaan, D., Topan, E. & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, C. G. M.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115925Constructing the Service Control Tower (2022)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Harmelink, R.Weighted earliness/tardiness parallel machine scheduling problem with a common due date (2022)Expert systems with applications, 187. Article 115916. Arik, O. A., Schutten, M. & Topan, E.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115916

Research profiles

September 2023  - Present: University of Twente (UT), Enschede.

Associate Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems

Courses Given: 

Quartile 1 

Maintenance part in Aerospace Maintenance Operations BSc minor (3 lectures, 1 tutoring of 2 assignment questions) 

Quartile 2

Advanced Inventory Management in IEM MSc program (tutorial of an assignment, preparing and tutoring a large assignment on forecasting and inventory management)

After Sales Service Logistics in IEM MSc program (lecturing 2 lectures, tutorial of an assignment)

Tutoring groups of the Fresh Connection Game for IBA BSc program.

Quartile 3

Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management in MSc program (course coordinator, and also lecturing about 4 ECTS out of the 5 ECTS course, and tutoring assignments and question hours)

Quartile 4

Tutoring and coordinating groups of the Fresh Connection Game for IEM BSc program.


Supervising graduation assignments of (currently) 20 BSc/MSc students (per year) as a first supervisor.


September 2017  - 2023 University of Twente (UT), Enschede.

Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems

Courses Given: 

Quartile 1 

Maintenance part in Aerospace Maintenance Operations BSc minor (3 lectures, 1 tutoring of 2 assignment questions) 

Module 1 in Introduction to IEM/IBA in the BSc program: One lecture on Supply Chains, one tutoring on Wood Supply Game

Introduction IEM in IEM MSc program (facilitating Logistics Support Game for two-three sessions)

Quartile 2

Advanced Inventory Management in IEM MSc program (lecturing multi-echelon part 2-3 lectures, tutorial of an assignment, preparing and tutoring a large assignment on forecasting and inventory management)

After Sales Service Logistics in IEM MSc program (lecturing 2 lectures, tutorial of an assignment)

Tutoring groups of the Fresh Connection Game for IBA BSc program.

Quartile 3

Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management in MSc program (course coordinator, and also lecturing about 4 ECTS out of the 5 ECTS course, and tutoring assignments and question hours)

Introduction IEM in IEM MSc program (facilitating Logistics Support Game for two-three sessions)

Quartile 4

Module 4 Supply Chain Management in IEM BSc program (coordinator, teaching Supply Chain Network Design part, 3 lectures, 1 tutorial)

Tutoring and coordinating groups of the Fresh Connection Game for IEM BSc program.


Supervising graduation assignments of (currently) 12-14 BSc/MSc students (per year) as a first supervisor.

May 2016 – September 2017: University of Twente (UT), Enschede.

Postdoc at Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems under the project Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods Next (ProSeLoNext), is founded by Dutch consortium TKI-Logistiek

September 2013 - June 2016: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven.

Instructor at Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control Group

Courses Given: 

  • Production and Inventory Control,
  • Maintenance and Service Logistics,
  • System Dynamics (Graduate course),
  • Supply Chain Operations Planning (Graduate course),
  • Capitals Goods for Service Supply Chains (Graduate course),
  • Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (Graduate course) 

September 2012 – August 2013: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven.

Postdoc at Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control Group under the project Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods (ProSeLo), is founded by Dutch consortium TKI-Dinalog

Courses Given: 

  • Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (Graduate course) 

August 2011 - August 2012: Military Academy, Ankara.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Courses Given: 

  • System Dynamics,
  • Operations Research II,
  • Queueing Theory and its Applications (PhD course)

March 2010 – July 2011: Çankaya University, Ankara.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering

Courses Given: 

  • Work Study and Ergonomics

September 2010 – March 2010: Çankaya University, Ankara.

Instructor at the Department of Industrial Engineering

Courses Given: 

  • Work Study and Ergonomics,
  • Operations Research I

September 2002 – August 2010: Çankaya University, Ankara.

Teaching Assistant at the Department of Industrial Engineering

Courses Assisted: Stochastic Processes, Decision Analysis, Operations Research-I, Operations Research-II, Production Planning and Operations Analysis I, Production Planning and Operations Analysis II, Introduction to Probability, Biosystem Engineering, Engineering Economy, Operations Analysis and Design, Systems Design, System Synthesis

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods Next (ProSeLoNext), is founded by Dutch consortium TKI

2015-ongoing: Researcher (http://www.nwo.nl/actueel/nieuws/2015/magw/6-consortia-aan-de-slag-binnen-accelerator.html)


Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (MANTIS) is an EU project, funded by ECSEL (http://www.ecsel-ju.eu/)

2015-ongoing: Task leader, Researcher (http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/198079_en.html)


Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods (ProSeLo), is founded by Dutch consortium TKI-DINALOG

2012-2015: Researcher (http://www.dinalog.nl/en/projects/r_d_projects/proselo)


Predictive Real-time Integrated Smart Control of Operations and Planning (PERISCOP) for Manufacturers (Active PROPOSAL submitted to NWO-Perspectief round 2023)

2020-ongoing: Co-lead https://www.nwo.nl/en/researchprogrammes/programme-initiatives


Operations control centers for sustainable after-sales services (OpsCenter) (Active PROPOSAL submitted to NWO-Perspectief round 2023)

2020-ongoing: Co-applicant, https://www.nwo.nl/en/researchprogrammes/programme-initiatives


Democratised smart industry technologies for sustainable and resilient manufacturing of the future (Desire) (Active PROPOSAL submitted to NWA-ORC round 2022): Co-applicant, WP-leader


Current projects

Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods Next (ProSeLoNext)

Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (MANTIS)

Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance MANTIS is an EU project, funded by ECSEL (http://www.ecsel-ju.eu/)

Predictive Real-time Integrated Smart Control of Operations and Planning (PERISCOP) for Manufacturers


Dutch high‐tech manufacturers operate in competitive markets characterized by highly volatile demand and supply. Their planning and scheduling tools do not have the level of proactivity and flexibility to accommodate these dynamic changes. Artificial intelligence (AI) can provide the necessary knowledge and techniques to address the complexity of planning and scheduling processes enabling these organization to prosper in their markets dominated by volatility. However, manufacturers, particularly SMEs, do not know whether, where, and how to use AI. They typically have limited capabilities, digital infrastructure, business culture, and human resource to adopt this technology. By using AIempowered flexible and proactive planning, manufacturers can improve their customer responsiveness, reduce their costs, time to market as well as their excess material losses and costly reactive adjustments. These increase competitiveness as well as sustainability of manufacturers. Considering that Dutch high-tech industry employs hundreds of thousands of employees and creates more than hundred billions of euros of production value, these advancements are crucial for maintaining a sustainable Dutch economy and society. In PERISCOP, by particularly focusing on SMEs, we develop and enable the adoption of advanced AI-empowered decision and planning methods that makes high-tech manufacturers more proactive and flexible and we concreate modules to implement them. We employ use cases of manufacturers at different adoption levels of AI, to build, test, and demonstrate our methods. To foster a large‐scale adoption, together with manufacturers, we cocreate generic, modular solutions; clear roadmaps to transform business processes, digital infrastructure, employees' skills to adopt AI in planning and decision-making. The project has been submitted to NWA Perspectief 2021/2022 round.

Operations control centers for sustainable after-sales services (OpsCenter)


By 2030, the European Union aims to halve its carbon emissions. It is therefore key that high-tech equipment has a minimum footprint, with low cost and high equipment availability. We aim to achieve this by setting the new standard of delivering after-sales services, such as maintenance services and the supply of spare parts and service engineers. To this end, we develop operations control centers in which data and domain knowledge on the equipment and the after-sales service supply chain is transformed into actions using artificial intelligence. Combined with a redesign of the after-sales service supply chain and the business models of the involved companies, we achieve minimum footprint and costs, with high equipment availability. The project has been submitted to NWA Perspectief 2020 round now it is in the last assessment round.

Democratised smart industry technologies for sustainable and resilient manufacturing of the future (DESIRE)

Finished projects

My business article on Collaborative Manufacturing:



Our paper with my coauthors received the IISE Transactions 2019 Design and Manufacturing Best paper.


In the press

My business article on Collaborative Manufacturing:


IN08_LessonsLearned_Business_CollaborativeMfg_EN.pdf (utwente.nl)


Our paper with the title "Using Imperfect Advance Demand Information in Lost-Sales Inventory Systems with the Option of Returning Inventory", which is published in IISE Transactions, is featured in ISE Magazine February issue.




University of Twente

Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 4313
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede

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