Prof.dr. Fred Bijkerk has a PhD in Experimental Physics from the University of Amsterdam (1993). His thesis describes the application of short-wavelength light from a laser-generated plasma source to X-ray and Extreme UV lithography. From 2004 to 2014 he was head of the Nanolayer Surface and Interface Physics department at the FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen. In 2005 he was appointed as a part-time professor on XUV sources and multilayer optics at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Twente.

Bijkerk received the FOM Valorization Prize 2010 for his efforts to engage high-tech industry in his research. In 2012 he initiated the Industrial Focus Group XUV Optics at MESA+, a public-privately funded research initiative on application-inspired thin film systems and XUV optics.

Bijkerk published over 250 journal articles and 35 patents on thin film systems and XUV optics and acted as the supervisor of 42 PhD doctorate candidates. He retired in 2021 to become part-time advisor on scientific and valorization aspects of the group’s research, while Marcelo Ackermann took over his role as a full chair.


  • Material Science

    • Thin Films
    • Surface
    • Reflectivity
    • Temperature
    • Material
  • Physics

    • Mirrors
    • Optics
  • Chemistry

    • Liquid Film



Surface and interface diffusion processes in nanoscale thin films. University of Twente. Chandrasekaran, A. behavior and characterization of free-standing metal silicide thin films. University of Twente. Shafikov, A. of the Template Layer on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PbZr<sub>0.52</sub>Ti<sub>0.48</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Films, 22210-22220. Lucke, P., Nematollahi, M., Bayraktar, M., Yakshin, A. E., Elshof, J. E. t. & Bijkerk, F. yields of monoatomic solids by Ar and Ne ions near the threshold: A Bayesian analysis of the Yamamura Model, 29-39. Phadke, P., Zameshin, A. A., Sturm, J. M., van de Kruijs, R. W. E. & Bijkerk, F. between composition and fracture strength in off-stoichiometric metal silicide free-standing membranes, Article 107531. Shafikov, A., van de Kruijs, R. W. E., Benschop, J. P. H., Schurink, B., van den Beld, W. T. E., Houweling, Z. S., Kooi, B. J., Ahmadi, M., de Graaf, S. & Bijkerk, F. and Characterization of Boron Thin Films Using Chemical and Physical Vapor Depositions, Article 685. Schurink, B., van den Beld, W., Tiggelaar, R. M., van de Kruijs, R. W. E. & Bijkerk, F., growth and hydrogen resistance of multi-layer graphene. University of Twente. Kizir, S.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

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