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Since April, 1 2020, I serve as Dean of the Faculty Geo-information and Earth Observation (ITC).

As professor I am focusing on geothermal energy and earth resources specialized in the use of spectroscopic techniques and hyperspectral remote sensing. My education and research focuses on the Energy Transition.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Datum
    • Investigation
    • Image
    • Mineral
    • Area
    • Cartography
    • Spectra
    • Map


Ancillary activities

  • Brazilian Geological Societyeditorial board member Brazilian Journal of Geology
  • European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU)Vice President Education ECIU and Vice President Research ECIU
  • TNO - Geological Survey of the NetherlandsChair scientific advisory committee of the Geological Survey of the Netherlands
  • 4TUBoard Member Resilience Engineering Center
  • Group on Earth Observations (GEO)Head of Delegation for ITC as a Participating Organisation to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
  • KNAW and NWOMember of the Working Group International of the Climate Initiative Netherlands (KIN)

My research focuses on the use of earth observation data primarily hyperspectral data for exploration of geothermal systems and for the longterm monitoring of such systems and their response to natural and external drivers. This work contributes to the energy transition. I also work on other earth resources such as raw materials and oil and gas.


Application of deep learning and spectral deconvolution for estimating mineral abundances of zeolite, Mg-sulfate and montmorillonite mixtures and its implications for Mars, Article 105579. Kodikara, G. R. l., Mchenry, L. J. & van der Meer, F. D. microbial corrosion in oil, gas and non-volcanic geothermal energy installations: The role of biofilm on pipeline corrosion, 2964-2975. Madirisha, M., Hack, R. & van der Meer, F. the geothermal potential of Peut Sagoe volcano using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS images, Article 102499. Zaini, N., Yanis, M., Abdullah, F., van der Meer, F. & Aufaristama, M. link between clay composition and the location of a geothermal system reservoir: a case of Rantau Dedap geothermal systemIn Proceedings of the European Geothermal Congress 2022. European Geothermal Energy Council. Savitri, K. P., Hecker, C., Deon, F., Sihotang, M. A. H., van der Meer, F. D. & Azis, H. assurance problems in the geo-energy industry: microbial influenced corrosion, and precipitation of clays in reservoir acid stimulation. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Madirisha, M. M. role of organic acid metabolites in geo-energy pipeline corrosion in a sulfate reducing bacteria environment, Article e09420. Madirisha, M., Hack, R. & van der Meer, F. the transmission component in TIR reflectance spectra of sandstones to understand the effect of surface roughness and clinging fines, Article e2021JB023525, 1-19. Rost, E., Green, A. A., Werff, H. M. A., Schodlok, M. C., Meer, F. D. & Hecker, C. A. influence of chelating agents on clays in geothermal reservoir formations: Implications to reservoir acid stimulation, Article 102305. Madirisha, M. M., Hack, H. R. G. K. & van der Meer, F. D.
VNIR-SWIR infrared (imaging) spectroscopy for geothermal exploration: Current status and future directions, Article 102178, 1-19. Savitri, K. P., Hecker, C., van der Meer, F. D. & Sidik, R. P. surface manifestation characterization using airborne lidar return intensity, 1-5. Restu Freski, Y., Hecker, C., Setianto, A. & van der Meer, F. D. Spectral Mineralogy for Geothermal Exploration: a Preliminary Study Using Cutting Edge Technology Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy (IRIS), 1-7. Savitri, K. P., Hecker, C., van der Meer, F. D., Sidik, R. P., Baroek, M. C. & Azis, H. values due to geothermal development progress: an ecosystem services mapping approach, 1-7. Semedi, J. M., Nurlambang, T., Koestoer, R. H. & van der Meer, F. D. scientific and industry grade SWIR airborne imaging spectrometers for CH4 mappingIn 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS) (pp. 1871-1874). IEEE. Scafutto, R. D. P. M., van der Werff, H., Bakker, W. H., van der Meer, F. & de Souza Filho, C. R. the effect of seasonal variations, expressed by moisture and temperature changes, on soil surface stability using proximal remote sensing. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Ymeti, I. of petroleum hydrocarbons in continental areas using airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared data (SEBASS), Article 112323. Scafutto, R. D. P. M., Lievens, C., Hecker, C., van der Meer, F. D. & Souza Filho, C. R. d. meets the water–energy–food nexus: Mapping the research landscape, Article 630395, 1-18. Hogeboom, R. J., Borsje, B. W., Deribe, M. M., van der Meer, F. D., Mehvar, S., Meyer, M. A., Özerol, G., Hoekstra, A. Y. & Nelson, A. D. of land surface temperature at the Seulawah Agam volcano area using the Landsat series imagery, Article 012021, 1-9. Zaini, N., Yanis, M., Marwan, Isa, M. & van der Meer, F. D. in multi-dimensions: A global geological survey. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Kamps, O. M. evaluation of airborne SWIR imaging spectrometers for CH4 mapping:: Implications of band positioning, spectral sampling and noise, Article 102233, 1-10. Scafutto, R. D. M., van der Werff, H., Bakker, W. H., van der Meer, F. D. & de Souza Filho, C. R. monitoring of Olkaria’s geothermal motor, 1-11. Fadel, I. E. A. M., Hecker, C., Kimata, J. N., Bonyo, E., van der Meijde, M., van der Werff, H. M. A. & van der Meer, F. D.

Research profiles

I teach geological remote sensing, spectral geology and spectroscopy and offer a project on energy transition.

I am involved currently as Project Leader and Project Director in projects on geothermal energy in Indonesia, Tanzania, Kenya and New Zealand.

Current projects


University of Twente

Langezijds (building no. 19), room 1267
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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