Dr. Frederik Vos (MSc, MSc, MSc) is guest researcher for Public, Health & Industrial Procurement at the University of Twente (UT). Next to this guest position, he works as Assistant Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the School of Business of Portland State University (PSU), OR, USA. He is also Executive Committee member of the International Purchasing, Supply Education & Research Association (IPSERA), Associate Editor of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JPSM), and co-founder of the serious game company suPlay.

His areas of expertise include buyer-supplier relationships, resource allocation of suppliers, and digitalization in public, healthcare and industrial procurement. He is regularly awarded for his teaching excellence (best teacher awards) as well as academic accomplishments (best reviewer and outstanding associate editor awards). Dr. Vos is holding a PhD in Supply Management and three Master of Science degrees in Business Administration, Psychology and Communication Science from the University of Twente, The Netherlands.

Before, he worked at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, as Assistant Professor in Public, Health & Industrial Procurement and fulfilled several leadership roles, including being chairman of the faculty supervisory board and coordinator of the Master track of Purchasing & Supply Management. Regarding experience in practice, he was the vice-chairman of the supervisory board of the Dutch purchasing association NEVI, public procurement consultant at the Public Procurement Research Center (PPRC), and worked in industry in the global purchasing department of the Volkswagen AG as business intelligence analyst.

Feel free to contact him, especially if you have data analysis questions, as he has knowledge of extensive data analysis techniques for "big" and "small" data, such as structural equations modelling (SEM), Predictive modelling with PLS algorithms (PLSpredict), qualitative comparative analyses (QCA), polynomial regressions & surface analyses, contrast testing and Simultaneous equations model (e.g. 2SLS, 3SLS, SUR).

Additional Information


  • Expert in resource mobilisation: supplier satisfaction and preferred customer strategies
  • Smart Industry, Artificial Intelligence & Industry 4.0 researcher & trainer
  • Data Analytics & business intelligence expert
  • Health care procurement & value-driven purchasing
  • Public Procurement & tendering researcher & expert


  • Social Sciences

    • Supplier
    • Satisfaction
    • Perspective
    • Customer
    • Case Studies
    • Dutch
    • Hospitals
    • Research



  • Expert in supplier satisfaction and preferred customer strategies
  • Smart Industry, Artificial Intelligence & Industry 4.0 researcher & trainer
  • Data Analytics & business intelligence expert
  • Health care procurement & value-driven purchasing
  • Public Procurement & tendering researcher & expert


Dynamic capabilities view on value creation in public procurement, 114-141. Karttunen, E., Jääskeläinen, A., Malacina, I., Lintukangas, K., Kähkönen, A.-K. & Vos, F. G. S.https://doi.org/10.1108/JOPP-05-2023-0035

Research profiles

When you would like to know more about me and my past work at the University of Twente, take a look at this short (2:28 min) video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCm60pZX6uM  

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