Medicine and Dentistry
- Prematurity
- Breathing
- Child
- Patient
- Lung Cancer
- Measurement
- Asthma
Nursing and Health Professions
- Infant
Transcutaneous electromyography as a tool to assess recovery of hemidiaphragmatic paresis: A case report (2023)Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 16(4), 725-729. Scholten, A. W. J., van Leuteren, R. W., de Jongh, F. H., van Kaam, A. H., Markhorst, D. G. & Hutten, J. monitoring with a wireless and nonadhesive belt measuring diaphragm activity in preterm and term infants: A multicenter non-inferiority study (2023)Pediatric pulmonology, 58(12), 3574-3581. Scholten, A. W. J., Zhan, Z., Niemarkt, H. J., Vervoorn, M., van Leuteren, R. W., de Jongh, F. H., van Kaam, A. H., Heuvel, E. R. v. d. & Hutten, G. J. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Exhaled Breath Profiling Using an Electronic Nose: A Multicenter Validation Study (2023)Chest, 163(3), 697-706. Kort, S., Brusse-Keizer, M., Schouwink, H., Citgez, E., de Jongh, F. H., van Putten, J. W. G., van den Borne, B., Kastelijn, E. A., Stolz, D., Schuurbiers, M., van den Heuvel, M. M., van Geffen, W. H. & van der Palen, J. of neonatal endotracheal tube dimensions on oscillometry-acquired reactance: a bench study (2023)Physiological measurement, 44(1). Article 01NT01. Pigmans, R. R. W. P., van Leuteren, R. W., Scholten, A. W. J., Veneroni, C., van Kaam, A. H., Hutten, J., Dellacà, R. L. & de Jongh, F. H. C.
Simultaneous measurement of diaphragm activity, chest impedance, and ECG using three standard cardiorespiratory monitoring electrodes (2022)Pediatric pulmonology, 57(11), 2754-2762. Scholten, A. W. J., van Leuteren, R. W., de Jongh, F. H., van Kaam, A. H. & Hutten, G. J. of Community-based Exercise Prehabilitation for Patients Scheduled for Colorectal Surgery With High Risk for Postoperative Complications: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial (2022)Annals of Surgery, 275(2), E299-E306. Berkel, A. E. M., Bongers, B. C., Kotte, H., Weltevreden, P., De Jongh, F. H. C., Eijsvogel, M. M. M., Wymenga, M., Bigirwamungu-Bargeman, M., Van Der Palen, J., van Det, M. J., Van Meeteren, N. L. U. & Klaase, J. M.
Volatile organic breath components and exercise induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic children (2021)Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology, 17(1). Article 121. van der Kamp, M. R., Driessen, J. M. M., van der Schee, M. P., Thio, B. J. & de Jongh, F. H. C. accuracy of tidal volume measured with a smart shirt during tasks of daily living in healthy subjects: Cross-sectional study (2021)JMIR Formative Research, 5(10). Article e30916. Mannée, D., De Jongh, F. & Van Helvoort, H. monitoring in the delivery room using transcutaneous electromyography (2021)Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal & neonatal edition, 106(4), 352-356. Van Leuteren, R. W., Kho, E., De Waal, C. G., Te Pas, A. B., Salverda, H. H., De Jongh, F. H., Van Kaam, A. H. & Hutten, G. J.
The Feasibility of Measuring Lung Hyperinflation with a Smart Shirt: An in Vitro Study (2020)IEEE sensors journal, 20(24), 15154-15162. Article 9144201. Mannee, D., Van Helvoort, H. & De Jongh, F.
Research profiles
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024

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