SinceMay 2019 I amĀ affiliated with the Department of Applied Mathematics. Before I was a post-doc at the University of Hamburg and the University of Wuppertal, where I also held a temporary professor position (`Vertretungsprofessor') in Fall 2018/19.

My researchĀ interests center around functional analysis and particularly operator theory with applications in the analysis and control of pde's.

In more detail, some research foci have been semigroup theory, functional calculus, input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems and funnel control.

Besides, I likeĀ optimising constants.


  • Mathematics

    • Stability
    • Operators
    • Control System
    • Semigroup
    • Generators
    • Functional Calculus
  • Computer Science

    • Control
    • Linear System



University of Twente

Zilverling (building no. 11), room 3010
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede

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