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My main research interest is where people, geography, and computer science meet: new modes of production and usage of geographic information (crowdsourced and volunteered), related technological and methodological developments (machine learning and edge computing on environmental IoT sensors), and improving scientific practice (ethics of consent and preservation of privacy, open and reproducible research). Citizen Science is where all these elements come together.


Frank joined the ITC in 2014 as an Assistant Professor. His main research interest is where people, geography, and computer science meet: new modes of production and usage of geographic information (crowdsourced and volunteered), related technological and methodological developments (IoT sensors, machine learning), and the impacts on scientific practice (ethics of consent and privacy-preservation, open and reproducible research).

Since 2009, he holds a PhD (Dr. sc. nat.) from the University of Zurich. Previous work includes three years as a post-doctoral researcher at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and several years as a research assistant at the Universities of Zurich and Hamburg on EU-funded projects on user-generated geographic content and spatio-temporal data analysis in urban contexts.

More detailed information on Frankā€™s CV can be found on his public LinkedIn profile page


Collaborative geovisual analytics. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Garcia Chapeton, G. A. data close to its origin - edge computing on IoT devices to detect noise pollutionIn Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe (pp. 36-52). Ostermann, F. O. an automated information extraction model from Twitter threads during disastersIn Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 637-653). ISCRAM. Zahra, K., Das, R. D., Ostermann, F. O. & Purves, R. S.
Peer assessment to improve reproducibility of computational project workIn Proceedings SEFI 49th Annual Conference 2021: Blended Learning in Engineering Education: challenging, enlightening ā€“ and lasting? (pp. 1080-1090). Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs (SEFI). Ostermann, F. O.Reproducible research and GIScience: An evaluation using GIScience conference papersIn 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science - Part II, GIScience 2021, Article 2 (pp. VII). Dagstuhl. Ostermann, F. O., Nüst, D., Granell, C., Hofer, B. & Konkol, M.'s strategic plan for Open Science 2021-2025: towards an open future. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Konkol, M., Chang, L., Da Silva Mano, A., Deon, F., Koelen, M., Korringa, D., Mettinkhof, R., Nelson, A. D., Ostermann, F. O., Rietbroek, R., van der Werff, H. M. A., Venus, V. & Zurita-Milla, R. favorability modeling with collaborative geoā€visual analysis to improve agricultural pest management, 985-1008. García‐Chapeton, G. A., Toxopeus, A., Olivero, J., Ostermann, F. O. & By, R. A.

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University of Twente

Langezijds (building no. 19), room 1344
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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