I completed my PhD at the Chair of Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Kukuk) with "summa cum laude" in 2017. My research focuses on exploiting the untapped potential of composites in the context of structural equation modeling. Research outcomes include my developments Confirmatory Composite Analysis and the "Henseler-Ogasawara specification". I am also an expert in partial least squares path modeling (PLS), a widely used estimator for structural equation models. I have contributed several developments to PLS such OrdPLSc and robustPLSc, and offered several workshops on its use.

Making my research openly available is an important issue to me. Therefore, I have developed the R package cSEM, which allows researchers to perform PLS in R. For more information, see my GitHub profile and the Open Science Framework.

Apart from my research activities,  I am also a passionate and enthusiastic teacher. I am currently coordinating and teaching various courses on quantitative research methods.

In 2022 I decided to take a more active role in the Open Science movement and became coordinator of the Open Science Community Twente


  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Assessment
    • Measurement
  • Computer Science

    • Structural Equation
    • Least Squares Methods
    • Models
    • Information Systems
  • Social Sciences

    • Analysis


My research focuses on structural equation modeling (SEM) and particularly on exploiting the untapped potential of composites in this context. Research outcomes include my developments Confirmatory Composite Analysis, the Henseler-Ogasawara specification, and the HTMT2. I am also an expert in partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM), a widely used estimator for structural equation models. I have contributed several developments to PLS-PM such OrdPLSc and robustPLSc.



Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W246
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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