My research interests encompass areas such as Infrastructure and Building Information Modeling, simulation and visualization of construction processes, sensor and image based tracking of construction equipment, virtual reality and serious gaming applications in construction industry, and near real-time systems for project monitoring and control.

For more info about Farid Vahdati on the 'Featured Scientists' page, click below:


  • Computer Science

    • Case Study
    • Models
    • Design
    • Construction Site
    • Digital Twin
    • Virtual Reality
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Datum
    • Urban Heat Island Effect




Usability analysis of virtual-reality-enabled digital twin for the inspection of sewage pumping stations (2024)International journal of construction management, 24(13), 1419-1430. Hesselink, L., Vahdatikhaki, F., Harmsen, Y. & Voordijk, H. Street Typology Based on Seasonality: A Case Study from Apeldoorn, Netherlands (2024)ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10(4/W5-2024), 255-261. Pena Acosta, M., Santos, J., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Dorée, A. G. guidance systems in road construction: a technological mediation perspective (2024)Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment, 4(2), 116-129. Voordijk, H., Miller, S. R. & Vahdatikhaki, F. Analysis of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Based on Street Typology (2024)Sustainable Cities and Society, 101. Article 105170. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., Jarro, S. P. & Doree, A. in paving operations, too little or too much?: Effectiveness and usability assessment of implementing different degrees of automation in Paving Operator Support Systems (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Makarov, D. S. of gamified virtual laboratories as a preparation tool for civil engineering students (2024)European journal of engineering education, 49(1), 164-191. Vahdatikhaki, F., Friso-van den Bos, I., Mowlaei, S. & Kollöffel, B. Twin-based Instructor Support System for Excavator Training (2024)In Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2024 (pp. 521-528) (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC). Vahdatikhaki, F., Scholtenhuis, L. o. & Doree, A.


A comparative analysis of surface and canopy layer urban heat island at the micro level using a data-driven approach (2023)Sustainable Cities and Society, 99. Article 104944. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Dorée, A. G. the urban heat island phenomenon: A data-driven approach (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Pena Acosta, M. Operators for Smart Construction Processes (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 13th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa. Miller, S. R., Vahdatikhaki, F., Doree, A., Makarov, D. & Profijt-Broring, J.

Research profiles

As a part of Module 1 of Civil Engineering, I teach Construction Materials course to undergraduate students. I, also, teach the graduate course BIM and 5D Planning to MSc students of Construction Management and Engineering. Finally, I am also involved in the Module 10 of Civil Engineering, i.e., smart ways to make smart cities smarter. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Current projects



ReDUCE is the initiative that aims to improve design, construction, installation, and maintenance of buried infrastructure in shallow subsurface. The focus of the programme is on Reducing Damage to Utilities and Careful Excavation. The initiative wants to enhance the awareness of the excavation supply-chain regarding the relevance of careful excavation, and additionally involves organizations in developing initiatives that prevent damages to subsurface utilities. ReDUCE (the English equivalent to the Dutch acronym ZoARG) is a collaboration between the utility sector and the University of Twente. The collaboration involves research, design, and development of new methods and techniques for excavation. These efforts are instantly valorised by implementing findings in education and (academic and practical) training programmes.


ASPARi (Asphalt Paving Research and innovation) is a network of organisations working collaboratively to improve the asphalt construction process. Recent contract change developments in the Netherlands (especially lengthier guarantee periods) has seen the rules of the game change in terms of process control, quality, maintenance and risks to contractors. In response, several construction companies joined forces with researchers of the University of Twente to form the ASPARi network in 2007, to collaboratively work towards improved process control. These construction companies, known as the Founders, are collectively responsible for more than 80% of the asphalt turnover in the country i.e. in excess of 8 million tonnes each year. More information can be found by clicking on the Founders and Partners tab. The ASPARi research unit is based at the University of Twente's Construction Management Department. Professor André Dorée and researchers Seirgei Miller and Farid Vahdatikhaki lead the research activities.


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Z232
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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