As an aspiring systems engineer with a mechatronics background, I am passionate about engineering collaboration. I have experienced first hand the drawbacks of unsuccessful collaboration among various disciplines in my previous jobs and I am focusing my PhD research towards comprehensive study of complexity in systems design and how it can be not just technical, but related to the process, the people and the tools.


  • Computer Science

    • Complexity
    • Design
    • Case Study
    • Information Element
    • Process Model
    • Survey
  • Arts and Humanities

    • Knowledge
    • Literature


I am conducting research on engineering collaboration using systems engineering approaches. For that I am doing focusing on the study of complexity in the context of systems design. By following systems engineering best practices, within my research I define the various viewpoints of the complexity problem (i.e. technical, social, process and tools). With a good problem definition it my research then defines complexity drivers and their effects, i.e. complexity challenges. Having a solid basis and terminology, will then be the foundation of my proposal of an engineering collaboration solution.



Aligning technical and project management through participatory approaches: An industrial case study (2024)INCOSE International Symposium, 34(1), 1646-1673. Garza-Morales, G. A., Nizamis, K., den Haan, R.-J., Gosselink, G. & Bonnema, G. M.


An Approach for Exploring Non-technical Complexity in Engineering Design Processes (2022)In Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M). Springer (Accepted/In press). Choi, Y., Garza Morales, G. A., Pereira Pessoa, M. V. & Bonnema, G. M.

Research profiles

Tutoring on minor: From Idea to Prototype

Tutoring on bachelor's Systems Engineering Course

Affiliated study programs


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W251
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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