Building non-UT, non-campus RRD


  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Robotics
    • Glove
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Apoplexy
    • Patient
    • Hand Function
    • Arm
    • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Computer Science

    • Robot



Relevance of hazards in exoskeleton applications: a survey-based enquiry, Article 68. Massardi, S., Pinto-Fernandez, D., Babič, J., Dežman, M., Trošt, A., Grosu, V., Lefeber, D., Rodriguez, C., Bessler, J., Schaake, L., Prange-Lasonder, G., Veneman, J. F. & Torricelli, D. Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robots Across Different Domains, 657-667. Saenz, J., Bessler-Etten, J., Valori, M., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Fassi, I., Bidard, C., Lassen, A. B., Paniti, I., Toth, A., Stuke, T., Wrede, S. & Nielsen, K. first in rehabilitation robots!: Investigating how safety-related physical human-robot interaction can be assessed. University of Twente. Bessler-Etten, J.
Assessing effects of exoskeleton misalignment on knee joint load during swing using an instrumented leg simulator, Article 13. Bessler-Etten, J., Schaake, L., Prange-Lasonder, G. B. & Buurke, J. H. thresholds for electrostimulation combined with robotic leg support in sub-acute stroke patientsIn 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2022. IEEE. Rikhof, C. J. H., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Prinsen, E. C., Buurke, J. H. & Rietman, J. S. on Hand Function After Six-week Use of a Wearable Soft-Robotic Glove Assisting ADL: Interim Results of an Ongoing Clinical StudyIn 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2022. IEEE. Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Kottink, A. I. R., Nikamp, C. D. M., Buurke, J. H., Bos, F., Van Der Sluis, C. K., Van Den Broek, M., Onneweer, B., Stolwijk-Swuste, J. M., Brink, S. M., Voet, N. B. M. & Rietman, J. S. Effect of a Soft Robotic Glove for Activities of Daily Living In People With Impaired Hand Strength: Protocol for a Multicenter Clinical Trial (iHand), Article e34200. Kottink, A. I. R., Nikamp, C. D. M., Bos, F. P., van der Sluis, C. K., van den Broek, M., Onneweer, B., Stolwijk-Swüste, J. M., Brink, S. M., Voet, N. B. M., Buurke, J. B., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B. weeks Use of a Wearable Soft-robotic Glove During ADL: Preliminary Results of Ongoing Clinical StudyIn Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2020), October 13-16-2020 (pp. 15-20). Springer. Kottink, A. I. R., Nikamp, C. D. M., Buurke, J. H., Bos, F., van der Sluis, C. K., van den Broek, M., Onneweer, B., Stolwijk-Swüste, J. M., Brink, S. M., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Building non-UT, non-campus, room RRD


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