Nursing and Health Professions
- Robotics
- Glove
- Cerebrovascular Accident
Medicine and Dentistry
- Apoplexy
- Hand Function
- Patient
- Arm
Computer Science
- Robot
Stimulating rehabilitation: A new hybrid rehabilitation device combining robot and functional electrical stimulation for early stroke rehabilitation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Rikhof, C. J. H. robot-based hybrid lower limb system for Assist-As-Needed rehabilitation of stroke patients: Technical evaluation and clinical feasibility (2024)Computers in biology and medicine, 179. Article 108839. Leerskov, K. S., Rikhof, C. J. H., Spaich, E. G., Dosen, S., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Prinsen, E. C., Rietman, J. S. & Andreasen Struijk, L. N. S. robotics and functional electrical stimulation for assist-as-needed support of leg movements in stroke patients: A feasibility study (2024)Medical engineering & physics, 130. Article 104216. Rikhof, C. J. H., Leerskov, K. S., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Prinsen, E. C., Spaich, E. G., Dosen, S., Andreasen Struijk, L. N. S., Buurke, J. H. & Rietman, J. S. effect on hand function after home use of a wearable assistive soft-robotic glove supporting grip strength (2024)PLoS ONE, 19(7 July). Article e0306713. Kottink, A. I. R., Nikamp, C. D. M., Bos, F. P., van der Sluis, C. K., van den Broek, M., Onneweer, B., Stolwijk-Swüste, J. M., Brink, S. M., Voet, N. B. M., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B. support combined with electrical stimulation for the lower extremity in stroke patients: a systematic review (2024)Journal of neural engineering, 21(2). Article 021001. Rikhof, C. J. H., Feenstra, Y., Fleuren, J. F. M., Buurke, J. H., Prinsen, E. C., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B. change of discomfort during repetitive force exertion though an exoskeleton cuff (2024)Applied ergonomics, 115. Article 104055. Bessler-Etten, J., Schaake, L., Buurke, J. H. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B.
Relevance of hazards in exoskeleton applications: a survey-based enquiry (2023)Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 20(1). Article 68. Massardi, S., Pinto-Fernandez, D., Babič, J., Dežman, M., Trošt, A., Grosu, V., Lefeber, D., Rodriguez, C., Bessler, J., Schaake, L., Prange-Lasonder, G., Veneman, J. F. & Torricelli, D. Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robots Across Different Domains (2023)IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 53(4), 657-667. Saenz, J., Bessler-Etten, J., Valori, M., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Fassi, I., Bidard, C., Lassen, A. B., Paniti, I., Toth, A., Stuke, T., Wrede, S. & Nielsen, K. first in rehabilitation robots!: Investigating how safety-related physical human-robot interaction can be assessed (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Bessler-Etten, J.
Assessing effects of exoskeleton misalignment on knee joint load during swing using an instrumented leg simulator (2022)Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 19(1). Article 13. Bessler-Etten, J., Schaake, L., Prange-Lasonder, G. B. & Buurke, J. H.
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University of Twente
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