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Giacomo Barbieri is an Assistant Professor in the Asset Management and Maintenance Engineering Chair at the University of Twente (Netherlands). He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering (2010 and 2012, respectively) and a Ph.D. in Industrial Innovation Engineering (2016) from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. From 2016 to 2023, he served at Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), initially as an Assistant Professor and later as an Associate Professor, before moving to the Netherlands in 2024. He is an active member of the technical committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), specifically in 'Manufacturing Plant Control' (TC 5.1).

Giacomo has a background in industrial automation and digital transformation technologies, which have progressively shaped his research focus in Asset Management, Smart Maintenance, Co-Design, and Decision Making. He thrives in transdisciplinary environments, where he facilitates human-centric and value-based approaches to these technological fields.



Current projects

  • Maricruz Solera (Postdoc) - Human-centric techonology deployment (R2DATO project)
  • Bas van Oudenhoven (Postdoc) - Predictive maintenance product catalogue and implementation canvas (PRIMAVERA project)
  • Ana Sanchez-Londoño (PostDoc) - Predictive maintenance product catalogue and implementation canvas (PRIMAVERA project)
  • Luis Alfredo Esteves (PhD) - Human-centric Smart Maintenance: a participatory approach applied to a hydroelectric plant (Celsia and Universidad de los Andes)
  • Zeinab Mowlaei (PhD) - Stakeholder alignment in autonomous train operations (R2DATO project)
  • Faazil Fahrooz (PhD) - Cross-Functional Collaboration for Dynamic Thermal Rating (IDLEC project)
  • Tim Douma (EngD) - Decision-making processes for Dynamic Thermal Rating (IDLEC project)

Promoted (Co-Promotor / Daily Supervisor)

  • Ana Sanchez-Londoño (PhD) - Value-based Smart Maintenance (Politecnico di Milano and Universidad de los Andes)


Facilitating cross-functional problem-solving through the three core activities of design thinking.


  • The BuCa Chefs: An Analogy to reach Strategic Alignment in the Business Case for Autonomous Train Operations
  • Organizing Sinterklaas: Human Factors in Maintenance and Asset Management
  • Educational Facility 5.0: Defining the Vision for the AgroLab Clermont


  • Highlighting Contradictions: Ideating Approaches and Visualizations to Showcase Stakeholder Trade-Offs in the Business Case for Autonomous Train Operations


  • Strategic Laboratory Investments: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Equipment Acquisition
  • From Silos to Synergy: A Serious Game for Human-Centric Asset Management



Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020


Special issue on: “Emerging industrial Digitalisation and machine learning applications in maintenance engineering, asset, and operations management” (2025)Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 141. Article 109752. Emmanouilidis, C., Parlikad, A., Barbieri, G. & Romero, D. capital investments in asset management: a value-based approach (2025)Journal of quality in maintenance engineering, 31(5), 1-22. Barbieri, G., Vega, A. S., Gutierrez, J., Laserna, J. & Mateus, L. M.


HydroLab: A Module for the Investigation of Fertigation Strategies in Hydroponics (2023)Applied Sciences, 13(15). Article 8867. Guerrero, L. H. & Barbieri, G. requirements of a value model for the strategic implementation of predictive maintenance (2023)In IFAC-PapersOnLine (pp. 1276-1281) (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 56). Elsevier B.V.. Sanchez-Londono, D., Roda, I. & Barbieri, G. Images and Temperature Matrices for the State Assessment of Rolling Bearings (2023)In IFAC-PapersOnLine (pp. 6549-6554) (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 56). Elsevier B.V.. Daniel Gomez, E. & Barbieri, G. Twin and Education in Manufacturing (2023)In The Digital Twin (pp. 1113-1134). Springer International Publishing. Barbieri, G., Sanchez-Londoño, D., Gutierrez, D. A., Vigon, R., Negri, E. & Fumagalli, L. retrofitting in maintenance: a systematic literature review (2023)Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 34(1), 1-19. Sanchez-Londono, D., Barbieri, G. & Fumagalli, L. Smart Retrofitting of Maintenance in the Hydropower Plants of Celsia (2023)In IFAC-PapersOnLine (pp. 6555-6560). Esteves, L. A., Benavides, A. M., Barbieri, G., Olaya, C. & Mantilla, C. A.


A design of machinery learning activity to develop critical thinking (2022)International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 50(3), 704-725. Sanchez-Londono, D., Posada-Ceron, S., Barbieri, G. & Rodriguez, C. F. Monitoring Digital Twin for Services of Controlled Environment Agriculture (2022)IFAC-papersonline, 55(19), 85-90. González, J. P., Sanchez-Londoño, D. & Barbieri, G. Taxonomy for Levels of Automation based on the Industrial Revolutions (2022)IFAC-papersonline, 55(17), 368-373. Barbieri, G., España, A. & Sanchez-Londoño, D. of BIM Modeling and RAM Analysis: a Proof of Concept (2022)IFAC-papersonline, 55(19), 205-210. Morales, J. M., Barbieri, G., Vargas, H. I., Villegas, J. S. & Parra, C. a Middleware for Smart Retrofitting in Maintenance (2022)IFAC-papersonline, 55(19), 109-114. Sanchez-Londono, D., Barbieri, G. & Garces, K. of the PLC Code generated with the GEMMA-GRAFCET Methodology (2022)Procedia computer science, 200, 699-709. Mejia, A., Guarnizo, A. F. & Barbieri, G. Software Architecture in CPPS - Definition, Challenges and Research Potentials (2022)In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2022. IEEE. Vogel-Heuser, B., Neumann, E. M., Fischer, J., Marcos, M., Estevez, E. E., Barbieri, G., Sonnleithner, L. & Rabiser, R. Characterization of a Solar-Photovoltaic-powered Aquaponic System: A Case Study in Bogotá, Colombia (2022)In Proceedings - 2022 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference, IESTEC 2022 (pp. 541-547). IEEE. De Leon, L. L., Gonzalez, J., Barbieri, G., Mancera, A. G., Austin, M. C., Mora, D. & Vanegas, F. Z.


A digital twin architecture to optimize productivity within controlled environment agriculture (2021)Applied Sciences, 11(19). Article 8875. Chaux, J. D., Sanchez-Londono, D. & Barbieri, G. GEMMA-GRAFCET generator for the automation software of smart manufacturing systems (2021)Machines, 9(10). Article 232. Castillo, J. M., Barbieri, G., Mejia, A., Hernandez, J. D. & Garces, K. Simulator: Towards a Virtual Environment for Scaled Precision Agriculture (2021)In Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future: Proceedings of SOHOMA LATIN AMERICA 2021 (pp. 234-246) (Studies in Computational Intelligence). Murcia, V. A., Palacios, J. F. & Barbieri, G. Digital Twin Demonstrator to enable flexible manufacturing with robotics: a process supervision case study (2021)Production and Manufacturing Research, 9(1), 140-156. Martinez, S., Mariño, A., Sanchez, S., Montes, A. M., Triana, J. M., Barbieri, G., Abolghasem, S., Vera, J. & Guevara, M. GEMMA-Based Decentralized Architecture for Smart Production Systems (2021)In Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future: Proceedings of SOHOMA LATIN AMERICA 2021 (pp. 17-29) (Studies in Computational Intelligence; Vol. 987). Hernandez, J. D., Gutierrez, D. A. & Barbieri, G. GEMMA-GRAFCET Methodology to enable Digital Twin based on Real-Time Coupling (2021)In Procedia Computer Science (pp. 13-23). Barbieri, G. & Gutierrez, D. A. mathematical model to enable the virtual commissioning simulation of wick soilless cultivations (2021)Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 16(4), 3325-3342. Barbieri, G., Quintero, G., Cerrato, O., Otero, J., Zanger, D. & Mejia, A.A virtual commissioning based methodology to integrate digital twins into manufacturing systems (2021)Production Engineering, 15, 397-412. Barbieri, G., Bertuzzi, A., Capriotti, A., Ragazzini, L., Gutierrez, D., Negri, E. & Fumagalli, L. engineering multidisciplinary undergraduate specialty with emphasis in society 5.0 (2021)International journal of engineering education, 37(3). Barbieri, G., Garces, K., Abolghasem, S., Martinez, S., Pinto, M. F., Andrade, G., Castro, F. & Jimenez, F.An FMEA-based methodology for the development of control software reliable to hardware failures (2021)IFAC-papersonline, 54(1), 420-425. Tafur, H. D., Barbieri, G. & Pereira, C. E. decision support system for local machine tool monitoring (2021)In Procedia Computer Science (pp. 69-78). Erazo Navas, C. F., Yepes, A. E., Abolghasem, S. & Barbieri, G. indicators for the state assessment of rolling bearings (2021)IFAC-papersonline, 54(1), 1218-1223. Roldan, S., Sanchez-Londono, D. & Barbieri, G. 2.0: A big data information system for education in prognostics and health management (2021)International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 12(1). Romero, N., Medrano, R., Garces, K., Sanchez-Londono, D. & Barbieri, G.

Research profiles




2024-2025 (University of Twente)

  • Cathy Ebbers (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
  • Daan Wesselink (Liander)

2017-2023 (Universidad de los Andes)

  • 21 students mainly from the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's Program


2024-2025 (University of Twente)

  • Panashe Mangezi (UT, Mechanical Engineering)
  • Alexandra Mulder (UT, Mechanical Engineering)
  • Natalia Bueno (EEMCS, Creative Technology - Critical Observer): Education about risks for people in a hurry
  • Zalfa Imtinan (EEMCS, Creative Technology - Critical Observer): Serious Board Game For Predictive Maintenance

2016-2023 (Universidad de los Andes)

  • 117 students mainly from the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's Program


  1. R2DATO (Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking): Identifying frameworks and guidelines for developing business cases and deployment strategies for digital technologies in the railway industry.
  2. IDLEC (Liander): Dynamic thermal rating to face congestion management in a risk-controlled manner within distribution electrical networks.
  3. PRIMAVERA (Dutch Research Council): Developing a decision-support system to guide the development of predictive maintenance solutions.
  4. CDAG (Celsia): Human-centric Smart Maintenance: a participatory approach applied to a hydroelectric plant.
  5. TURA (Worldwide Universities Network): development of an Urban Agriculture Value Assessment Framework.


University of Twente

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De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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