With a background in work- and organizational psychology Guido finished his Ph.D. at the University of Twente on a simulation model on orchestrating complex multi-organization collaborative work during emergency response situations. Building on his passion for research methodology, technology, and human behavior Guido's research focuses on the development and implementation of game-based interventions (serious games) and the development of health, performance, and data-driven systems for esports. To canalize this, Guido was one of the founders of the esportslab at the University of Twente and Gamelaboost in the municipality of Enschede. Guido furthermore is involved in several startups and organizations in organizational improvement, applied gaming, esports, and algorithmic trading.


  • Computer Science

    • Serious Game
  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Behavior
    • Resources
    • Tools
    • Humans
  • Social Sciences

    • Digital Transformation
    • Personnel Management




ECGBL Preface (2023)European Conference on Games Based Learning, 2023-October, x. Spil, T., Bruinsma, G. & Collou, L.


Performance Enhancement of Formula One Drivers with the Use of Group Driven Learning (2022)In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (pp. 260-270). SCITEPRESS. Moghaddar, A., Bukhsh, F. A. & Bruinsma, G. W. J.https://doi.org/10.5220/0000163300003274A Serious Game on Shaping Employee Behavior for the Digital Transformation: Design Considerations for a Serious Game on using HR to Shape Employee Behavior for the Digital Transformation (2022)In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2022 (pp. 164-171) (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning; Vol. 16). Dechema e.V.. Collou, L. & Bruinsma, G.https://doi.org/10.34190/ecgbl.16.1.604


BITInLine: A serious game to enhance business information technology and strategy alignment (2021)In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2021 (pp. 141-150) (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning; Vol. 2021-September). Dechema e.V.. Collou, L., Bruinsma, G. & Iacob, M. E.https://doi.org/10.34190/GBL.21.032Supporting teachers adopting game-based learning in formal education: A systematic literature review (2021)In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2021 (pp. 33-42) (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning; Vol. 2021-September). Dechema e.V.. Assaf, M., Spil, T. & Bruinsma, G.https://doi.org/10.34190/GBL.21.131


Digging Deep: Assessing Quality of Situation Awareness Transactions in Clinical Care Processes (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 22nd International Conference on Patient Care, ICCN 2020. Goedegebure, I., Jukema, J. & Bruinsma, G. W. J.Strategic HRM: It's all in the game: Exploring configurational theory in HRM using a simulation model and serious game (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Collou, L. D.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036550161

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

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Courses academic year 2023/2024

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