My name is Gerco Hassink. Iā€™m a cell biologist with a background in ER membrane protein quality control, protein degradation, the ubiquitin system, and in the endolysosomal system. I performed my PhD at Leiden University Medical Center and continued my research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, after which I did a second post-doc at Utrecht Medical Center. Currently Iā€™m doing research and provide technical assistance to the research theme "Neurotechnology and cellular engineering" at both the clinical neurophysiology.


  • Neuroscience

    • Neuron
    • Excitability
    • In Vitro
    • Brain
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Ubiquitin
    • Protease
    • Ubiquitin Ligase
    • Growth Hormone Receptor



My name is Gerco Hassink. Iā€™m a cell biologist with a background in ER membrane protein quality control, protein degradation, the ubiquitin system, and in the endolysosomal system. I performed my PhD at Leiden University Medical Center and continued my research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, after which I did a second post-doc at Utrecht Medical Center. Currently Iā€™m doing research and provide technical assistance to the research theme "Neurotechnology and cellular engineering" at both the clinical neurophysiology group.

Research interests

Beside assistance in the project ā€œEffects of ischemia and hypoxemia on neuronal connectivity and synaptic neurotransmissionā€ my research is focused around Parkinsonā€™s disease. Together with the Nanobiophysics Group we try to elucidate the role of aggregate prone alpha-synuclein protein in cell death and disturbance of synaptic communication using cultured neurons on multi electrode arrays. Together with Biological Signals and Systems group and Applied Mathematics group we investigate altered GAP junctional coupling in the Globus Pallidus after ceased input of Substantia Nigra. This research we perform directly on brain slices.


Growth Hormone Receptor Regulation in Cancer and Chronic Diseases: GHR Regulation in Cancer and Chronic Diseases, Article 597573. Strous, G., Da Silva Almeida, A., Putters, J., Schantl, J., Sedek, M., slotman, J., Nespital, T., Hassink, G. C. & Mol, J.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 3384
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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