Spiegel 323


  • Computer Science

    • Transformations
    • Human Medium Interaction
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computational Linguistics
    • Diverse Audience
    • Entertainment Computing
    • Exertion Game
    • Interactive Art


Current projects

Data Management Plan (DMP) Tool

Helps to create a DMP using the UT DMP template. This template is approved by NWO and ZonMW. Also the GDPR Registration is combined with the DMP. See

Digital Competence Center (DCC)

UniShare/Nextcloud, Content Collaboration Platform for Research data

UniShare/Nextcloud will become a CCP for Research Data. Researchers can store, share and collaborate easy their research data during the research.

Archive REsearch DAta (AREDA)

Areda is a service to archive research data after the research. Store your research data for a long term.

Research Support webpage

The Research Support website is part of the UT Service Portal.


University of Twente

Spiegel (building no. 02), room 323
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede

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