Gerwin Hoogsteen received the PhD degree from the University of Twente in 2017 with his thesis “A Cyber-Physical Systems Perspective on Decentralized Energy Management”. He is currently employed as tenured assistant professor in the field of smart grids within the Mathematics of Operations Research and Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems chairs, with a focus on applying theoretical research in field-tests. His research interest is in energy management for smart grids, and in particular where it concerns multi-disciplinary research and cyber-physical systems. Current research directions include the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in smart grids, distributed coordination, and cyber-security of smart grids. Hoogsteen is the founder and maintainer of the DEMKit and ALPG software.


  • Computer Science

    • Simulation
    • Control
    • Algorithms
  • Engineering

    • Energy Engineering
    • Electric Vehicle
    • Energy Management
    • Optimization
    • Planning


In my research I strive to join theoretical knowledge with practical applicability to solve real-world control problems in the domain of control and energy management. I am specialized in researching, developing and implementing control, coordination and optimization algorithms, targeted to run on low powered distributed (embedded) systems, in a cyber-physical systems context. In order to do so, I work together with researchers from various institutes (e.g., University of Twente, University of Texas, Saxion UAS), industry (e.g., Alliander, Coteq) and society (e.g., LochemEnergie, Aardehuizen Olst) in field tests. An example is the smart grid pilot site in Lochem, where we demonstrated the challenges of, and validated solutions for the energy transition. Current research focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice by developing a software framework (DEMKit), such that theoretical models can be applied and validated more easily in practice, by e.g., using hardware-in-the-loop simulation.


DEMKit | Decentralized Energy Management toolKit
Maintainer of the open-source DEMKit simulation and demonstration software. Several PhD and MSc students at the University of Twente use this software. DEMKit is currently also in use by Saxion UAS staff, and gains attention in the research community.

ALPG | Artificial Load Profile Generator
Maintainer of the open-source ALPG tool to generate benchmark sets for smart grid control systems and scheduling algorithms.

ODECT | Open Dynamic Electricity Composition Tracker
Maintainer of the open-source ODECT model developed originally by Bas Jansen to track carbon emissions of the Dutch electricity mix.


Lab Manager SLIMPARK
Lab manager for the SLIMPARK living lab of the University of Twente. This lab facility consists of a solar carport with 9 parking lots including charging stations and a battery storage system. This lab allows for real-world testing of our energy management algorithms using DEMKit.


Rethinking Safety and Security of the Energy System for a Green Future. van Rijswijk - Deij, R. M., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L.Distributed management of energy communities using stochastic profile steering, Article 109973. López, J. C., Pappu, A., Hoogsteen, G., Hurink, J. L. & Rider, M. J. energy storage in electricity grids containing flexible loads, Article 112706 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Schaefer, E., Hoogsteen, G., Hurink, J. L. & van Leeuwen, R. P. Electric Vehicle Charging to Speed Scaling with Job-Specific Speed Limits. Winschermann, L., Gerards, M. E. T., Antoniadis, A., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L.Enhancing Privacy Through Time Aggregation of Load Profiles in Energy ManagementIn 2024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Article 10488782 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Varenhorst, I. A. M., Hoogsteen, G., Gerards, M. E. T. & Hurink, J. L. Distributed Energy Management with Co-Operative AgentsIn 2024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference (ENERGYCON). Pappu, A., Hurink, J. L., Hoogsteen, G. & Gerards, M. E. T. Allocation and Charging within Parking Lots Using a Locational Marginal Pricing MechanismIn 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Article 10408103. IEEE. Arias, N. B., Giraldo, J. S., López, J. C., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J.
Robust and Predictive Charging of Large Electric Vehicle Fleets in Grid Constrained Parking LotsIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Article 10333900 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Hoogsteen, G., Winschermann, L., Nijenhuis, B., Arias, N. B. & Hurink, J. L. Potential of Indicating Energy Flexibility Information by EV Users for Application in Energy Management Systems: a Dutch Case StudyIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Article 10333882 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Nijenhuis, B., Reuling, J., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. Effect of Data Resolution on the Sizing of Energy Storage Systems Using a Load Profile Signal Decomposition MethodIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Article 10333880 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Schaefer, E. W., Hoogsteen, G., Nijenhuis, B., Hurink, J. L. & Leeuwen, R. P. v.

Research profiles


  • 2021 - Now | Energy Transitions Perspectives Minor - University of Twente
    Lectures, lab – BSc
  • 2018 - Now | Distributed Energy Management for Smart Grids – University of Twente
    Lectures, project tutoring – MSc EMSYS/EE/SET
  • 2023 | NIRICT Winter School "Demand Flexibility in Cyber-physical Energy Systems" – University of Twente
    Lecture – PhD
  • 2013 - 2017 | Energy Efficient Embedded Systems – University of Twente
    Guest lectures, project tutoring – MSc EMSYS/EE/CS
  • 2013 - 2014 | C Programming – University of Twente
    Lab – BSc EE
  • 2013 - 2015 | Embedded Computer Architectures 1 – University of Twente
    Project tutoring – MSc EMSYS/CS


  • 2018 - Now | DEMKit Workshop – University of Twente & Saxion UAS, Enschede, the Netherlands
    Lecture, lab – PhD, MSc, BSc
  • 2018 | SuPREME International Summer School 2018 – KEZO Lab, Jabłonna, Poland
    Lectures, project tutoring, lab – PhD, MSc

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


  • H2020 HERMES (2022 - Now)
  • H2020 Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking (2021 - Now)
  • H2020 SERENE (2020 - Now)
  • H2020 SUSTENANCE (2020 - Now)

National (the Netherlands)

  • TKI PPS ESP (2024 - Now)
  • RVO MOOI New Energy Garden Ecofactorij (2023 - Now)
  • ICAI AI for Energy Grids Lab (2022 - Now)
  • RVO MOOI EIGEN (2022 - Now)
  • NWO Perspective MEGAMIND (2021 - Now)
  • RVO MOOI SmoothEMS met Gridshield (2021 - Now)


  • TKI FAIRPLAY (2020 - 2024)
  • DEI+ "Buurtbatterij in de weverij" (2020 - 2024)
  • OP-OOST EFRO Flex-Go (2021 - 2023)
  • TKI New Energy Garden (2021 - 2023)
  • TKI PPS SLIMPARK (2020 - 2023)
  • OP-OOST EFRO "Vliegwieltechnologie voor energieopslag in microgrids" (2019 - 2023)
  • KIEM SpaVER (2021 - 2022)
  • KIEM SEDCON (2020 - 2021)
  • TKI iDEEGO ORTEP (2017 - 2020)
  • H2020 SUPREME (2015 - 2018)
  • NWO Perspectief CPS - Project EASI (2013 - 2017)
  • TKI IN4Energy (2012-2015)
  1. University of Twente: My Future Dream Job (Podcast), 21-07-2022 - link
  2. RTV Oost: Bij Oost | Vandaag (TV-show), 27-01-2022 - link

In the press

  1. De Stentor: "‘'Ons stroomnet is licht campingnetje. Als gebruik ineens hard groeit, kan dat niet allemaal door draadjes die we hebben'", 06-01-2024
  2. Volkskrant: "‘Op het overbelaste stroomnetwerk werd de zekering een tikkende tijdbom’", 27-01-2023 - link
  3. Volkskrant: "Wat kosten adapters die ongebruikt in het stopcontact zitten?", 12-12-2022 - link
  4. RTV Oost: "Steeds grotere problemen op het stroomnet; Universiteit Twente werkt aan oplossingen", 27-01-2022 - link
  5. Tubantia: "Hoe slimmeriken uit Twente boeren eerlijk van hun zonnestroom afhelpen", 17-10-2021 - link
  6. Tubantia: "UT-onderzoeker ontdekt ‘per ongeluk’ mogelijkheid enorme energiebesparing", 04-02-2019 - link
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