
Face Posets of Tropical Polyhedra and Monomial Ideals, Article 4.11. Loho, G. & Smith, B. Worst-Case Complexity of Symmetric Strategy Improvement. Dijk, T. v., Loho, G. & Maat, M. the Correlation Gap of MatroidsIn Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 24th International Conference, IPCO 2023 Madison, WI, USA, June 21-23, 2023. Proceedings (pp. 203-216). Springer. Husić, E., Koh, Z. K., Loho, G. & Végh, L. A. Permutahedra and Positive Flag Dressians, 16748-16777. Joswig, M., Loho, G., Luber, D. & Olarte, J. A. Carathéodory with Matroids, 139-155. Loho, G. & Sanyal, R. positivity and determinantal varieties, 999-1040. Brandenburg, M. C., Loho, G. & Sinn, R.
Patchworking oriented matroids, 3545-3576. Celaya, M., Loho, G. & Yuen, C. H. point methods are not worse than SimplexIn 2022 IEEE 63rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) (pp. 267-277). IEEE. Allamigeon, X., Dadush, D., Loho, G., Natura, B. & Végh, L. A. Value Iteration for Parity Games: Strategy Iteration with Universal TreesIn 47th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2022, Article 64. Dagstuhl. Koh, Z. K. & Loho, G. complete classes of valuated matroidsIn Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) (pp. 945-962). Association for Computing Machinery. Husić, E., Loho, G., Smith, B. & Végh, L. A.

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University of Twente

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