It is my goal to improve adoption of Systems Engineering in multidisciplinary development environments. A holistic approach as provided by Systems Engineering is needed to bind together findings in various engineering fields to develop well-designed, well-balanced and purposeful products and systems.

Systems Engineering can be applied in the high-tech industry, but also to respond to global challenges like climate change, and to the mobility and energy transitions.

By research, education and training I aim, with the SEMD group, at improving the Systems Engineering competence and workforce in the Netherlands and Europe.

Specialties: System Design, System Architecting, System Budgets, Communication in Multidisciplinary Design, Precision Engineering, Electric Mobility.

For more info, please visit my LinkedIn page: 


  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Systems Engineering
    • Systems Design
    • Models
    • Stakeholders
    • System Architectures
    • Communication
    • Application


Ancillary activities

  • MikroCentrumTraining via Mikrocentrum



Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W230
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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