After obtaining a Master degree in Electrical Engineering, I obtained a PhD degree at the University of Twente, on Modelling and control of laser surface treatment, in 1999. Ever since, my scientific interests are on the fundamental physical phenomena occurring during laser‐material inter-action, in order to optimize laser‐material processing for laser‐based manufacturing. Main processes are material processing using ultra short pulsed laser sources for micro‐ and nano‐machining, and laser cladding and additive manufacturing (3D printing) using high power laser sources. As well as, the development of models, as well as sensors and real‐time control algorithms for laser‐material processes (to ensure reliable processing results).

From 2008 to 2017, I was an associate professor at the chair of Applied Laser Technology at the University of Twente. From 2017 I was an associate professor, and since 2020 I am full professor of the research chair Laser Processing.

Besides chair holder of the research chair, I am Research Coordinator of the department of Mechanics of Solids, Surfaces & Systems (MS3).


  • Material Science

    • Laser
    • Surface
    • Material
    • Surface Structure
    • Laser Pulse
    • Laser Ablation
  • Physics

    • Steel
  • Engineering

    • Surfaces


My main research interests include:

  • fundamental physical phenomena occurring during laser-material interaction
  • optimizing laser-material processing for laser-based manufacturing
  • material processing using ultra short pulsed laser sources, in the fs and ps regime, for micro- and nano-machining
  • high power laser surface treatment
  • high power laser-based Directed Energy Deposition, an Additive Manufacturing technique
  • means and methods for monitoring/sensing and control of laser-material processing systems
  • applications of innovative laser-based manufacturing


Influence of water layer thickness on crater volume for nanosecond pulsed laser ablation of stainless steel, Article 824. van der Linden, S., Hagmeijer, R. & Römer, G. R. B. E. the effects of laser beam shaping on melt pool behaviour in conduction-mode laser melting, 3955-3967. Ebrahimi, A., Sattari, M., Babu, A., Sood, A., Römer, G. W. R. B. E. & Hermans, M. J. M. microscopy for microrobotics: Visualization of micro-agents below fixed tissue, Article e0289725. Huaroto, J. J., Capuano, L., Kaya, M., Hlukhau, I., Assayag, F., Mohanty, S., Römer, G.-w. & Misra, S. the influence of bubble size and position on crater formation during underwater nanosecond laser ablation of stainless steel, Article 580. van der Linden, S., Hagmeijer, R. & Römer, G. R. B. E. ablation using short and ultrashort laser pulses. University of Twente. van der Linden, S. intensity profile as a means to steer microstructure of deposited tracks in Directed Energy Deposition, Article 111725. Bremer, S. J. L., Luckabauer, M. & Römer, G.-W. R. B. E. of Material Functions by NanostructuringIn Springer Series in Optical Sciences (pp. 827-886). Springer. Mezera, M., Florian, C., Römer, G. W., Krüger, J. & Bonse, J.

Other contributions

Click here for an overview of previous projects and current projects running in my chair.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N102
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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