Research background: I obtained my PhD at KU Leuven (2016, Belgium) focusing on information systems, which consisted of 2 parts: (1) Model-Driven Engineering (code generation for soft/web apps including backend/frontend/UI/databases) to support requirements (data and behavior) modeling, simulation/testability, semantic/syntactic validation of business requirements represented as models (UML/XML/text), and (2) model-based cognitive feedback and behavioral feedforward generation based on behavior and process analytics. The output software for generating software included a feedback-enabled platform based on the concepts that are nowadays known as model-based low-code development environment.

Research expertise: My research expertise spans various areas of Information Systems, focusing on cross-domain analytics that support the design and implementation of human-centric recommender systems with a particular emphasis on sustainable solutions and explainable AI. These include IS for education, food systems, health, and logistics. My specific research areas include process- / behavior- analytics, software generation based on the principles of model-driven engineering and low code philosophy, semantic feedback/recommendation automation and visual analytics dashboards, business intelligence and applications, explainable AI, educational technology among others.

Teaching: Currently my teaching areas include (1) (Business) Information Systems and Information Management (2) Business Intelligence topics (e.g. Business analytics, Databases, Big Data and data mining, visual analytics & dashboards, process analytics, text analytics) and (3) Low Code application development.

  • Tutorial presenter:
    • Boosting requirements analysis and validation skills through feedback-enabled semantic prototyping (IEEE RE, 2015)
    • Novel way of training conceptual modeling skills by means of feedback-enabled simulation (ER conference, 2015)

Industry experiences: Next to research in academia, I also combine professional experiences from government, banking and software industries.

Other professional expertise - Software Engineering (5 years in software engineering positions practicing agile methodology + 6 years using programming JAVA, #C and related technologies in daily research activities).

Cross-disciplinary research synergies: Currently I work in the intersection of IEBIS and CODE sections researching shared areas of interest on information and education technologies. Next to UT, I combine research experiences from several other research groups:

  • PhD/postdoc - Information systems / Augment (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Research project management - IDLab (imec / UGent, Belgium)
  • Postdoc - KNOW center (Technical University of Graz, Austria)
  • Visiting researcher - Learning and Educational Technology (Oulu University, Finland)  
  • Visiting researcher - Welten Institute Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (OUNL)

Awards - The results of my PhD research were nominated in the context of university-wise educational prize for innovative feedback at KU Leuven (2016). As a computer science student I was nominated and awarded with “Best master student in Information Technologies Award (2007)” by the President of Armenia and Synopsys corporation. 

Scientific services:

  • Editor: Interactive visualizations, special issue of the Information journal (MDPI)
  • Reviewer: Intelligent Information Systems (Springer), Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (Springer), Computers in Human Behavior (Elsevier), Computers & Education (Elsevier), Transactions on Learning Technologies (IEEE), Learning Analytics (Springer), Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Springer), Conferences - LAK, CAiSE.
  • Co-chair: Workshop on controlled vocabularies and data platforms for Smart Food Systems (SmartFood) at ER'23
  • Program committee: AMARETTO 2017 at Modelsward, Online Measures for Learning Processes at EARLI SIG 2016



Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020


Designing Health Recommender Systems to Promote Health Equity:A Socioecological Perspective (2025)Journal of medical internet research, 27. Article e60138. Figueroa, C. A., Torkamaan, H., Bhattacharjee, A., Hauptmann, H., Guan, K. W. & Sedrakyan, G. Health Recommender Systems to Promote Health Equity:A Socioecological Perspective (2025)[Working paper › Preprint]. Figueroa, C. A., Torkamaan, H., Bhattacharjee, A., Hauptmann, H., Guan, K. W. & Sedrakyan, G.


Towards LowDevSecOps Framework for Low-Code Development: Integrating Process-Oriented Recommendations for Security Risk Management (2024)In Proceedings: MODELS 2024 - ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings (pp. 886-894). Association for Computing Machinery. Sedrakyan, G., Iacob, M. E. & Hillegersberg, J. Implications for Integrating AI Chatbot Technology with Learning Management Systems: A Study-based Analysis on Perceived Benefits and Challenges in Higher Education (2024)In ICAITE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Education (pp. 1-8). ACM Press. Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., Machado, M., Rogetzer, P. & Mes, M. Implications for Next Generation Chatbots with Education 5.0 (2024)In New Technology in Education and Training: Select Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advance in Education and Information Technology (pp. 1-12) (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology; Vol. Part F3326). Springer. Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., van den Berg, S. M., van Hillegersberg, J. & Veldkamp, B. P. Health Recommender Systems with a Health Equity Lens (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. JMIR Publications. Figueroa, C., Torkamaan, H., Bhattacharjee, A., Hautpmann, H., Guan, K. & Sedrakyan, G. Generation Cross-Sectoral Data Platform for the Agri-Food Sector (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 14th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information System, FOIS 2024. Xhani, D., Gavai, A., Sedrakyan, G., Guizzardi - Silva Souza, R. & van Hillegersberg, J. Generation Cross-Sectoral Data Platform for the Food System (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 14th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information System, FOIS 2024. Xhani, D., Gavai, A., Sedrakyan, G., Guizzardi - Silva Souza, R. & van Hillegersberg, J.


Design Implications Towards Human-Centric Semantic Recommenders for Sustainable Food Consumption (2023)In Advances in Conceptual Modeling - ER 2023 Workshops, CMLS, CMOMM4FAIR, EmpER, JUSMOD, OntoCom, QUAMES, and SmartFood, Proceedings (pp. 312-328) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14319). Springer. Sedrakyan, G., Gavai, A. & van Hillegersberg, J. 1st Workshop on Controlled Vocabularies and Data Platforms for Smart Food Systems (2023)In Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2023 Workshops, CMLS, CMOMM4FAIR, EmpER JUSMOD, OntoCom, QUAMES, and SmartFood Lisbon, Portugal, November 6–9, 2023 Proceedings (pp. 295-297) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14319). Springer. Guizzardi, R., Faron, C., Miranda Soares, F. & Sedrakyan, G.Feedback digitalization preferences in online and hybrid classroom: Experiences from lockdown and implications for post-pandemic education (2023)Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., Abdi, A., van den Berg, S. M., Veldkamp, B. P. & van Hillegersberg, J. Feedback Analysis Model using Deep learning-based method and Linguistic knowledge for Intelligent educational systems (2023)Soft computing, 27(19), 14073-14094. Abdi, A., Sedrakyan, G., Veldkamp, B. P., van Hillegersberg, J. & van den Berg, S. M. of the Feedback Digitization Needs in Higher Education: Experiences from Lockdown Education in the Netherlands and Germany (2023)International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(5), 778-784. Sedrakyan, G., van den Berg, S. M., Veldkamp, B. P. & van Hillegersberg, J.


Text-To-Model (TeToMo) Transformation Framework to Support Requirements Analysis and Modeling (2022)In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - MODELSWARD (pp. 129-136). SCITEPRESS. Sedrakyan, G., Abdi, A., van den Berg, S. M., Veldkamp, B. P. & van Hillegersberg, J.


Measuring learning progress for serving immediate feedback needs: Learning process quantification framework (lpqf) (2020)In Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Proceedings (pp. 443-448) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12315 LNCS). Springer. Sedrakyan, G., Dannerlein, S., Pammer-Schindler, V. & Lindstaedt, S. learning behavior analytics and learning science concepts: Designing a learning analytics dashboard for feedback to support learning regulation (2020)Computers in human behavior, 107. Article 105512. Sedrakyan, G., Malmberg, J., Verbert, K., Järvelä, S. & Kirschner, P. A.

Other contributions

  • Cognitive feedback and behavioral feedforward perspectives for modeling and validation in a learning context, G Sedrakyan, M Snoeck, 2017, Model - Driven Engineering and Software Engineering, Springer
  • Evaluating emotion visualizations using AffectVis, an affect-aware dashboard for students, L Derick, G Sedrakyan, PJ Munoz-Merino, C Delgado Kloos, K Verbert, 2017, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning 10 (2), 107-125 
  • Process-mining enabled feedback: “tell me what I did wrong” vs.“tell me how to do it right”, G Sedrakyan, J De Weerdt, M Snoeck, 2016, Computers in human behavior 57, 352-376
  • Assessing the influence of feedback-inclusive rapid prototyping on understanding the semantics of parallel UML statecharts by novice modellers, 2016, G Sedrakyan, S Poelmans, M Snoeck, Information and Software Technology 82, 159-172
  • Assessing the effectiveness of feedback enabled simulation in teaching conceptual modeling, G Sedrakyan, M Snoeck, S Poelmans, 2014, Computers & Education 78, 367-382 
  • Do we need to teach testing skills in courses on requirements engineering and modelling? G Sedrakyan, M Snoeck, 2014, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1217, 40-44

Research profiles

Current projects

  • Contributor - Redesign4TU: High-tech & data-driven agri-food of the future (Smart  FoodTech The significance of food is evident in the myriad challenges confronting contemporary society, including the increasing prevalence of diet-related diseases, food waste with its adverse economic, environmental, and social impacts, and the significant impact of food production on environmental issues, among others. As the negative health and environmental impacts of dietary patterns become more evident, there is a growing demand for personalized and sustainable food recommendations to promote healthier and planet-friendly choices. In the context of this project I contribute to the domain of food recommenders aiming explainable recommendations for sustainable food production/consumtion based on data from varied sources such as food domain and healthcare. Recently published articles: Design Implications Towards Human-Centric Semantic Recommenders for Sustainable Food Consumption | SpringerLink 
  • Contributor - Application of LLMs for product management in the automotive aftermarket (To be updated)
  • TeToMoCo: The goal of the project is three-fold: 1. TeToMoCo (Text-To-Model-To-Code) framework that combines the state-of-the-art natural language processing approaches and techniques for identifying potential architecture elements candidates out of business requirements articulated in natural language textual description. 2. A subsequent prototype implementation that can assist a knowledge construction process through (semi-) automatic generation and validation of UML models. 3. Automatic web application code generation (backend/frontend/UI) out of generated UML/XML models following principles of Model Driven Engineering. Recently published articles: (1) Towards LowDevSecOps Framework for Low-Code Development: Integrating Process-Oriented Recommendations for Security Risk Management (2) Text-To-Model (TeToMo) Transformation Framework to Support Requirements Analysis and Modeling - University of Twente Research Information

Previous projects

  • (Postdoc) PROFEELEARN: Process-oriented assessment and feedback based on learning behavior/process data analytics grounded on the links between information/data analytics and learning sciences (Postdoctoral research funding)
  • CITADEL H2020: CITADEL is a European H2020 Project involving twelve partners. These are research institutes, universities, public sector entities and IT companies from five different European countries. The project’s objective is to create an ecosystem of best practices for a transparent, innovative and cooperative public sector and to provides more efficient and inclusive tools to respond to citizen requirements. The CITADEL ecosystem combines and promotes a set of technologies (e.g. semantics, mobile, analytics, sentiment analysis, open linked data) to both empower Public Administrations (PAs) to improve their offering and the engagement of citizens, as well as to foster cooperation among PAs and users of public services in local, regional and national environments. Main contributions as a partner included: 1. an ecosystem architectural guidelines, 2. design and development of a semantic dashboard to support improving public services for e-government at EU public administration organizations.  
  • HOBBIT H2020: Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data aims at abolishing the barriers in the adoption and deployment of Big Linked Data by European companies, by means of open benchmarking reports that allow them to assess the fitness of existing solutions for their purposes. These benchmarks are based on data that reflects reality and measures industry-relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with comparable results using standardized hardware. Main contributions as a partner included: 1. benchmark on query answering features for live time series in the form of multidimensional interfaces 2. establishing a taskforce subgroup for Benchmarking under the umbrella of Big Data Value Association with the aim to provide a scalable and FAIR benchmarking platform for data-driven solutions with a focus on AI (especially ML) solutions, corresponding benchmarks, key performance indicators, benchmarking tools and services for the independent, repeatable and scalable benchmarking of data-driven (especially AI) technologies, detecting potential use cases and categories of users as well as potential synergies with existing benchmarking organizations.

Current projects

SMART4L (NWO): a learning community and platform to accelerate (inter)regional collaboration for ICT-driven innovation in Logistics

The logistics workforce often lacks the knowledge and skills to utilize the rapidly developing ICT-innovations. Addressing this problem, our SMART4L proposal aims to increase the learning capacity of logistics companies and the employability of the logistics workforce by (re)designing, optimizing, and substantiating three regional learning communities (Port of Twente, Logistics Lab Zwolle and Kansen met Data-Datalab) in which companies, knowledge-, educational-, and sector institutions collaborate. SMART4L will do so with key insights about effective design principles and social processes for collaborative learning and innovation adoption, and by developing a ICT platform to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning among stakeholders.

BuddyGPT: Adapting Large Language Models for a Study Buddy System at UT

This project aims at strategic integration of AI-driven conversational agents, such as ChatGPT, into learning environments like Canvas. The focus is on enhancing both students' and educators' ability to access reliable, personalized information while aligning with learning objectives and course-specific content. By adopting a buddy system approach, proactively, the system would reach out to students with reminders about upcoming deadlines or key tasks, encouraging better time management and engagement. By linking AI to course materials and incorporating learning theories for optimal information transmission, the project seeks to prevent over-reliance on AI for quick answers, instead promoting self-regulation and deep learning, foster collaboration, reflection and critical thinking. Additionally, it aims to equip both educators and students with AI literacy to ensure ethical and responsible AI use. 

Recently published articles: 

Sedrakyan, G., Borsci S., Machado, M., Rogetzer, P., Mes, M. (2025). Design Implications for Integrating AI-based Chatbots with Learning Management Systems: A Study-based Analysis on Perceived Benefits and Challenges in Higher Education, In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Education.

Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., van den Berg, S. M., van Hillegersberg, J., & Veldkamp, B. P. (2024, January). Design implications for next generation chatbots with education 5.0. In International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology (pp. 1-12). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

How educational feedback needs changed during the times of Covid pandemics and what are the long-term effects ?

 While it is evident that digitalization will be pivotal for accomplishing a transition to post-pandemics educational environments, where hybrid classroom/campus uniting the physical and digital learning experiences will most likely define the new norms, the field lacks insights to guide informed decisions in the domain of feedback digitalization. Despite the importance of this transition world-wide, still questions such as “what is the type of digital feedback that worked best during lockdown education?”, “which new formats used by teachers proved effective among students?”, “are there preferences in these new formats/elements of feedback to continue even when the lockdown education disappears?” remain unanswered. This research seeks to address these questions through empirical studies.

Recently published articles:

Analysis of the Feedback Digitization Needs in Higher Education: Experiences from Lockdown Education in the Netherlands and Germany - University of Twente Research Information

Feedback digitalization preferences in online and hybrid classroom: Experiences from lockdown and implications for post-pandemic education | Emerald Insight

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