
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Irreversible Electroporation
    • Electrode
    • Experiment
    • Liver Tumor
  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Robot
  • Engineering

    • Electric Field
    • Optimization Strategy




Research profiles


Accurate needle placement is one of the challenges in IRE procedure. Needles should be placed parallel and at the same depth to allow the electrical field to distribute effectively across the cell to destroy the tumor. It is essential, since the tumor may remain due to misplacement of the needles. Researchers have shown an increased interest in robot utilization combined with MRI imaging modality as a solution for this. Although various types of robots have been developed, little attention has been paid to the robot for guiding multiple needle insertion, such as in IRE procedure.


In this project, we design and develop a MRI compatible body-mounted robot for multiple needle insertion. It includes the development of the mounting mechanism, sterilization strategy, rigidity study, and ultimately a controllable method to navigate the probes automatically to target the tumor. In addition to the robot development, a software system will be developed for planning, tracking and navigating the needle. Automatic robot-image registration will be studied to provide correction due to any misalignment that may occur during the robot movement. Moreover, real-time liver tumor segmentation will be developed using deep learning method from MRI image to obtain a real-time location of the liver tumor. In the end, by combining robot-image registration and liver tumor segmentation, the accuracy of the navigation system can be increased and the correct path for needle can be provided.


University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 3184
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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