Dr. Hsin-Chueh Chen (Lily Chen) is a Ph.D. graduate from the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), currently serving as a Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from the Department of Life Science at National Taiwan University (NTU). Her research interests lie in the fields of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), inquiry-based learning, and biological education. She was once recognized as an outstanding doctoral student and, in 2020, she was awarded a scholarship from the Ministry of Science and Technology's Graduate Students Study Abroad Program.

She has successfully applied for the Dragon Gate Program for the years 2023 to 2025. From 2021 to 2023, she has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Taiwan European Union Innovation and Cooperation Platform.

Honors and Awards:

2023: Received the National Science and Technology Council's Dragon Gate program grant for 2023-2025.

2021: Elected member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, ROC; Awarded the NTNU's Higher Education Sprout Project scholarship for short-term overseas research (MOE subsidy).

2020: Awarded the Ministry of Science and Technology's Graduate Students Study Abroad Program scholarship.

2019: Recipient of the Ministry of Science and Technology's international academic conference participation grant.

2014: Awarded NTNU's Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship.

Stay dates: Sep. 2023 - Sep. 2025


Research Interests:

  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
  • Biological Education
  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
  • Inquiry-based Learning
  • Climate Change Education
  • Service Learning

Other contributions

Refereed Journal Publications

Chen, P. C., Chen, H. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2024). A review of the tendencies and influencing factors of teachers utilizing games in science education (2000-2022). Science Education Monthly Journal. (Accepted)

Chung, W. M., Chen, H. C., Lin, M. C., Chen, P. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2024). What are statisticians contemplating? A thirty-year literature review and trend analysis on statistical thinking. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(1), (Scopus) (Accepted)

Chen, H. C., Lin, M. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2024). Exploring Diverse Views of Taiwanese Christians on Teaching Evolution from the Perspective of Worldviews. Science & Education, 1-28.doi:10.1007/s11191-023-00493-w (SSCI, Impact factor: 2.8)

Lin, M. C., Chen, H. C., Chang, C. Y.* (2024). The relationship between computer self-efficacy and learning satisfaction of elementary school students: the mediating role of reading motivation for science learning. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 16(1), 85-109. doi:10.53106/2071260X2024011601004 (TSSCI)

Hsiang, H. L., Chen, H. C., Lin, M. C., Chang, C. Y.* (2023). Exploring the Application of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategies in Science Education Within Different Goal Structures: A Review of Relevant Literature From 2000 to 2019, Education Journal, 51(2), 51-75. (TSSCI)

Chen, H. C., Gijlers, H., Sui, C. J., & Chang, C. Y.* (2023). Asian Students’ Cultural Orientation and Computer Self-Efficacy Significantly Related to Online Inquiry-Based Learning Outcomes on the Go-Lab Platform. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-16. doi:10.1007/s10956-023-10058-9 (SCI, Impact factor: 4.4)

Sui, C. J., Chen, H. C., Cheng, P. H., & Chang, C. Y.* (2023). The Go-Lab platform, an inquiry-learning space: Investigation into students’ technology acceptance, knowledge integration, and learning outcomes. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 32(1), 61-77. doi:10.1007/s10956-022-10008-x (SCI, Impact factor: 4.4)

Lin, M. C., Chen, H. C., Liu, H. H., & Chang, C. Y.* (2022). Implementation of E-Learning in New Taipei City During COVID-19. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education18(4), em2092. (Scopus)

Hsiang, H. L., Chen, H. C., Lin, M. C., Chang, C. Y.* (2022). Teaching the nature of science in high school through the “biological evolution” topic. Science Education Monthly, 447, 35-43.

Lin, M. C., Chen, H. C., Xu, M. Z., Chang, C. Y.* (2022). Discuss the Application of Food Safety Issues into Science Education from Elementary School to University: A Retrospective Study from 1999 to 2018. Science Education Monthly, 446,12-32.

Lin, M. C., Chen, H. C., Chang, C. Y.* (2022). A Preliminary Exploration of Perceived Self-Efficacy, Smileyometer, and Scientific Conceptual Understanding in Pupils' Inquiry Learning. Contemporary Journal of Science Education, 30(1), 27-48. doi:10.6173/CJSE.202203_30(1).0002 (TSSCI)

Chen, H. C., & Chang, C. Y.* (2020). The Influence of Web-Based Inquiry Activity on Inquiry Ability and Evolution Conceptual Knowledge of Junior High School Students with High and Low Critical Thinking Skills. Contemporary Journal of Science Education,27(4), 229-250. doi:10.6173/CJSE.201912_27(4).0002 (TSSCI)

Chen, H. C., & Chang, C. Y.* (2020). Exploring the feasibility of teaching intelligent design theory in science classrooms - from STS perspective. Science Education Monthly, 427, 9-23.

Refereed Conference Papers

Sui, C. J., Lai, C. Y., Chen, H. C., Cheng, P. H. & Chang, C. Y.* (2022). Exploring Students’ Learning Performance and Inquiry Competencies through an Inquiry-Based Learning with a Simulated Experiment. Paper presented at the 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Education Innovation 2022, Feb. 10-12, Keelung, Taiwan.

Pisoni, G., Gijlers, H., Nguyend T. H., & Chen, H. C. (2021). Collaboration patterns in students’ teams working on business cases. Paper presented at 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2021, Mar. 8-12, Jerusalem, Israel.

Chen, H. C., Pisoni, G., & Gijlers, H. (2020). An exploratory study into graduate students' attitudes towards peer assessment. Paper presented at ICL2020 – 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2020, Sep. 23-25, Tallinn, Estonia.

Chen, H. C., & Chang, W. H. (2019). Be WISEr! Using Collaborative Science Writing to Improve Taiwanese Students’ Understanding of Evolution in Junior High School Classroom. In C. Tijus, T. H. Meen, & C. Y. Chang (Eds), Educational Innovations and Applications: Proceedings of the 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (pp. 21-24). Singapore: IIKII.

Chen, H. C., & Chang, W. H. (2014). Application of Scientific Collaborative Writing in WISE Learning Platform for Evolution. Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 2014, May 26-30, Shanghai, China.

Tsai, P. L., Chen, H. C., Tsao, Y. W., & Chang. W. H. (2014). Design and Implication of CWISE (Collaborative Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) with the integration of the History of Science teaching approach: the case of biological evolution. Paper presented at 30th Conference of the Science Education Research Association, Dec. 5-6, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, H. C. (2013). The enhancement of professional service learning effectiveness through digital learning platform. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE), July 4-6, Hong Kong.

Patent And Technology Transfer

Chiu, C. H., Chen H. C., & Shih. C. M. (2012). “Technology Transfer Project of Website Design for Lifelong Service-Learning Curriculum Map,” Taipei Medical University, co-inventor, 2012-2017.

Chiu, C. H., Chen H. C., & Shih C. M. (2012). “Lifelong Service-Learning System,” Taipei Medical University, co-inventor, R.O.C. Patent Number M443214.

Chiu, C. H., Shih C. M., & Chen H. C. (2012). “Lifelong Service-Learning System and the Operation Method,” Taipei Medical University, co-inventor, R.O.C. Patent Number 201405475.

External Supervisor

I am privileged to serve as an External Supervisor for projects focused on climate change education within the realm of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).







Combining AI-automated chat coding analysis and multimodal learning analytics to develop evidence-based and literacy-oriented climate change courses in the CSCL environment

In alignment with global long-term development goals, this project seeks to advance evidence-oriented climate change education to nurture talents capable of navigating a highly digitalized and climate-affected future society. The research specifically focuses on public engagement in decision-making and discussions about climate issues within the digital society, aiming to enhance the public's ability to evaluate and make informed decisions regarding climate change data and information. These topics are integral to UNESCO's (OECD) PISA multinational scientific literacy assessment and the European Union's 'Horizon Europe' framework plan, reflecting the importance of such literacy in today's digital society.

Through strategic international collaboration, we endeavor to develop innovative digital courses, learning frameworks, and assessment tools tailored for climate change education. Leveraging cutting-edge methodologies such as learning analytics and artificial intelligence, we aim to pioneer novel educational paradigms. Furthermore, we aspire to forge strategic alliances between institutions in Taiwan and the Netherlands, with the intention of actively engaging in the European Union's prestigious "Horizon Europe" initiative. By doing so, we seek to broaden our horizons in international research endeavors and bolster the global standing of climate change education.

Keywords: Climate change education, digital society, learning analytics, artificial intelligence in education.

From Sep. 1, 2023, to Aug. 31, 2025.

Current projects

Finished projects

Exploring the Impact of Engagement in Climate Change Games on the Evolution of Collaborative Problem-Solving Strategies Using Epistemic Network Analysis

Service-Learning Courses Group: Case Management System for Portable Healthcare Device and Healthy Care Assessment

Exploring the Factors Influencing Multilevel-Assessment-Embedded and Technology-Infused Inquiry Learning Environments

Go Spinning! Biomedical Science at Your Fingertips

Volunteer Courses: Health and nutrition community volunteers

This initiative, funded by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, encompasses a Health and Nutrition Community Volunteer Program. Its primary objective is to furnish volunteers with comprehensive knowledge in health and nutrition, thereby empowering them to serve as invaluable assets within their respective communities. The curriculum is designed to address key areas including dietary guidance, promotion of healthy lifestyles, imparting nutrition knowledge, and cultivating effective health management skills. Upon completion of the training, volunteers are equipped to offer tailored support and disseminate pertinent information, particularly targeting the elderly demographic within their communities. My role within this project entailed serving as a Teaching Assistant, facilitating the delivery of course materials. This endeavor spanned from July 1, 2011, to January 31, 2012.


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