With a background in Materials Science and Engineering, I took a dive into the ocean of Optics (as a PhD) to learn a thing or two about the light-matter interactions. Although it was a scratch on the surface, it exposed me to many challenging yet fascinating stuff.

After PhD, I joined the XUV Optics group as a PostDoc to contribute to the progress of industry-relevant research. At XUV, and under the supervision of Andrey Yakshin, I investigate the optical constants of thin films in multilayered structures. This is an exciting topic and full of learning opportunities, both theoretically and experimentally.Ā 


  • Physics

    • Oxide
    • Region
    • Responses
  • Material Science

    • Transparent Conducting Oxide
    • Permittivity
    • Material
    • Optical Property
  • Chemistry

    • Liquid Film



University of Twente

Carré (building no. 15), room C2013
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

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