Hans Zwart is Professor in Physical Systems and Control, and head of the Chair Hybrid Systems in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente.

His research interests are in control and analysis of systems described by partial differential equation and/or time difference differential equations. The main focus is on the development and analysis of controllers for linear systems. Hereby using the mathematical techniques from functional analysis and Hamiltonian dynamics. Main area of applications is the controller design and analysis of flexible structures. On this topic he has a long lasting collaboration with research groups in Besançon, Lyon, Wuppertal, and Eindhoven. At Eindhoven University of Technology, department of Mechanical Engineering, he holds a one-day-per-week professorship. Prof. H. Zwart is the co-author of two standard text books in his field; An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Systems Theory, (with R. Curtain) and Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems on Infinite-Dimensional Spaces (with B. Jacob). Recently, an updated version of the first book has appeared. 


Ancillary activities

  • TU/eDoing research and supervising students



Other contributions

Since I like to construct counter examples. I list here some of the counter examples found.

  • T+B is never invertible for suciently small B; pdf-file
  • If A generates an exponentially stable contraction semigroup, and Q is dissipative, then A+Q need not to generate a exponentially stable semigroup; pdf-file
  • A boundedly invertible and Q bounded, does not imply that AQ is densely defined; pdf-file

Research profiles

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Although I am working on many projects, I will only mention a few of my general research projects.

Current projects

Solutions to ``Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Systems Theory''

The two books written together with Ruth Curtain contain many exercises. While writing the second book, Ruth Curtain worked together with Orest Iftime on the solutions to a selected set of exercises from it. After her dead, I continued this project together with Orest.

Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

book project

Since control of systems described by partial differential equations increases in popularity among engineers Yann Le Gorrec and I are working on a book which should support engineers when entering this field. Hence the book should be much less mathematical than the book which I wrote with Ruth Curtain. Early versions of the book have been used for a master course at Eindhoven university of technology. The audience consisted of master students from mechanical and electrical engineering. Based on the experiences we are improving the manuscript.

Finished projects

Based on the book ``An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory'' some lectures were recorded. They may be found here: Lecture Infinite Dimensional Systems

The order of the videos are: 

  • 1 05 Introduction and Semigroups
  • 1 01 Inputs and Outputs
  • 1 03 Transfer Functions
  • 1 04 Stability and Stabilizability
  • 1 02 Port-Hamiltonian Systems
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