Prof.Dr. H. (Erik) Koffijberg has an MSc in Technical Computer Science from Delft University and a PhD in Decision-Analytic Modelling from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He is full professor Technology Assessment of Digital Health Innovations and chair of the section Health Technology & Services Research of the faculty Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.
Erik has over 18 years of experience in (early) health technology assessment (HTA) applied to the evaluation of new diagnostic tests, imaging techniques, prediction models, artificial intelligence and medical devices. He has published on, among others, applied analyses focused on cost-effectiveness and budget impact of innovations in cardiology, oncology and neurology. He also developed new simulation techniques to estimate the long-term effects of (preventive) innovations and new selection approaches to improve efficiency of preventive strategies.
Erik teaches MSc and postgraduate external courses on HTA, Health Economic Modeling, Discrete Event Simulation in Healthcare, and Metamodeling. He also coordinates the Healthcare Technology & Management (HCTM) track of the master program Industrial Engineering & Management. He is PI in multiple large (international) research consortia focusing on the optimal use biomarkers, imaging technologies, and AI, for screening or early disease detection. With his research Erik supports the optimal use and implementation of diagnostic innovations in healthcare.
Erik has been a member of several ZonMw committees and of the board of the Dutch Health Economics Association. Currently he is member of the scientific advisory board of the National Healthcare Institute (ZIN).
You can follow Erik on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Medicine and Dentistry
- Patient
- Health Care Cost
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Health
- Therapeutic Procedure
- Diagnosis
- Systematic Review
- Cardiovascular Disease
Ancillary activities
- Zorginstituut NederlandLid wetenschappelijke adviesraad
- Stichting Health Impact AssessmentBoard member of the “Stichting Health Impact Assessment”.
Research profiles
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024

University of Twente
Technohal (building no. 18), room 3100
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Technohal 3100
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede