Hello! I am an all-around remote sensing specialist for earth science applications. I develop solutions for monitoring the natural environment and acquiring mineral intelligence on national to continental scales. Typical applications are the detection of critical raw materials and environmental pollution resulting from resource exploration, monitoring of landscape dynamics for public safety, and finding sources of green energy.
My research is on the development of practical solutions in remote sensing and image processing that can be applied to a broad range of earth science applications:
Translating mineral characteristics to high spectral resolution indices acquired in the laboratory, which in turn are translated to the capabilities of freely available lower-resolution satellite imagery for large-scale and real-world applications;
Using freely available satellite imagery for continental-scale geological mapping with simple methods, ensuring that anyone in the world can re-use and build on my findings;
Analysis of multi-temporal data acquired from satellites and time-lapse cameras in the field to track changes at the earth's surface over time;
Analyse the influence of weather and seasonality on remote sensing measurements.
I teach courses in international environments. My speciality is to bring a research attitude with do's and don'ts to the classroom. My activities reflect my passion for education:
online (e-learning) and classroom MSc & PhD courses;
tailor-made courses on location (Africa, Asia, Latin America);
supervision of over completed 32 MSc theses and chairing examinations;
supervision of 8 completed and 6 ongoing PhD students;
mentoring students in managing their own learning experience and joy;
course director of the Applied Earth Sciences specialization, 2012-2015;
vice-chair examination board of the M-SE and M-GEO programmes.
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Recent projects I brought in or participate in are on improving safety and public health associated with mining and mineral exploration, and green energy: