After working for a year in the unit of Margaret Wang at the Learning Research and Development Centre in Pittsburgh, I started my PhD research on the topic of questioning at the University of Leiden. Through various projects I became interested instructional design and technology. This brought me to the University of Twente where I did a range of studies on what is now called e-learning. Recent research revolves around: instructional videos, scaffolding text comprehension, and scaffolding game-based learning


  • Social Sciences

    • Training
    • Testing
    • Demonstration
  • Computer Science

    • Software Training
    • Design
    • Video Tutorial
    • Control Condition
  • Psychology

    • Motivation



Self-instructional materials, minimalist design approach, instructional video, scaffolding text comprehension (QuikScan), scaffolding game-based learning, pedagogical agents and questioning.


Other contributions

New: A review on error-inclusive approaches to software documentation and training

  • Software documentation and training tends to focus too much on an error-exclusive approach.
  • Three types of error-inclusive approaches provide food for thought on why and how errors can be treated in software documentation and training.
  • In an error-tolerant approach, error prevention has priority and a training wheels technology facilitates this. In addition, a just-in-time presentation of error information addresses the fact that errors commonly occur and that their swift and easy handling should be supported.
  • In an error-induced approach, the user’s cognitive and emotional handling of errors is considered important. Errors are evoked by confronting the users with complex tasks in training. Error handling is primarily the responsibility of the user (i.e., there is limited documentation support).
  • In an error-guided approach, documentation and training includes information about regular as well as erroneous task performances to realize a stronger learning effect.
  • Research generally reveals that an error-inclusive approach yields higher learning outcomes, and contributes to a more positive user attitude towards error. 

Research profiles

My courses generally concentrate on learning & instructional design theories. The didactic approach that I follow is problem-based. Short moments of instruction are followed with real or realistic tasks to assist students in developing their design attitudes, knowledge and skills so that they are trained in taking on the roles of researcher, designer and advisor.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

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