The title of my resumé is "Juridical organizational talent". With its content I explain why I am an experienced paralegal with a unique combination in knowledge, expertise and skills in higher Education, from a supporting, executive and project-wise perspective.
Today this shows in my work for Strategy and Policy, where I act in projects: coordinating tasks, organize formal processes (decisionmaking by the Executive Board),linking people to themes and most of all make sure that things are done. This I do either to support policy advisors and project-managers, or directly towards the Executive Board.
In doing this I support my organizational unit in helping (new) UT-policy to land smoothly in the faculties and service-departments of the University of Twente (translation).
- Strategy and Policy (SP)
- International Affairs (SP-INT)
TSO - Hengelo
Saxion University of Applied Sciences - Law & Social support
- 1.5m University - work group & Student Sounding Board - Secretary (Secretaris)
- Contact Centre UT - KPI - Customer service quality assessment
- Priorities Alignment Team - member
- Prizes and Awards @UT
- Secretary Prizes and Awards Committee (Secretaris)
- support in nominations
- Project Development P@A/Rankings policy UT-wide - Research Quality - team member (SEP procotol @UT)
- Young Academy @UT - Secretary (Secretaris)
University of Twente
Spiegel (building no. 02), room 424
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
University of Twente
Spiegel 424
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
- Strategy and Policy (SP)
- International Affairs (SP-INT)