
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Indonesia
    • Debris
    • Investigation
    • Island
    • Beach
    • Float
    • Coast
  • Social Sciences

    • Islands




Development of autonomous multi-sensor ocean monitoring instrument designed for complex archipelagic waters (2023)International journal of environmental science and technology, 20(10), 11451-11460. Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Valino, D. A., Kang, H. S., Sugianto, E., Martasuganda, M. K., Abimanyu, A., Bratasena, T., Zenyda, K. S., Prayogo, N., Ramdhani, F. & Khan, A. M. A. Controls on Pollution Flows in Coral Reef MPAs (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCK-days 2023. Faizal, I., Horstman, E. M., Vermeulen, B., Kujawa-Roeleveld, K., Ranasinghe, R. & Wijnberg, K. M. scenic assessment in Pangandaran district, West Java province, Indonesia (2023)Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 46(1), 184-193. Taofiqurohman, A., Zallesa, S. & Faizal, I.


The trajectory of marine debris from Cirebon City Estuary, West Java, Indonesia (2022)AACL Bioflux, 15(5), 2620-2628. Akbar, M. R. A., Junianto, Faizal, I. & Purba, N. P. Control on Marine Debris Spreading around Muara Gembong, Jakarta Bay (2022)Journal of Ecological Engineering, 23(8), 12-20. Faizal, I., Purba, N., Martasuganda, M., Abimanyu, A., Akbar, M. & Sugianto, E. data of marine debris in the Indonesia beaches (2022)Data in brief, 41, 1-8. Article 107871. Faizal, I., Anna, Z., Utami, S. T., Mulyani, P. G. & Purba, N. P. dataset in Bonpies archipelago as remote island in Java Seas, Indonesia (2022)Data in brief, 40, 1-6. Article 107769. Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Syamsuddin, M. L., Wulandari, A., Bratasena, T. & Therie, R. of the pandemic COVID-19 to the Indonesia seas (2022)Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 40(1), 30-36. Ihsan, Y. N., Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Anya, A., Mulyani, P. G. & Anwar, S. K. vulnerability of Small Islands from Coastlines Change in Indonesia (2022)IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 1095(1). Article 012026. Rahmadi, M. M., Liviawaty, E., Faizal, I., Purba, N. P., Ramadhan, R. A., Amrullah, R. & Dianti, I. E.


Evaluation of a New Integrated Marine Instruments: RHEA (Drifter GPS Oceanography Coverage Area) (2021)IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 925(1). Article 012057. Zenyda, K. S., Subiyanto, Faizal, I., Prayogo, N. & Purba, N. P.

Research profiles

INREEF: Interdisciplinary program to build the resilience of marine protected areas in tourism destinations

In marine protected areas (MPAs), tourism is recognized as a two-edged sword that contributes to both stressors as well as to stress-reducing strategies. Here we comprehensively address the role of tourism in coral reef conservation: whilst tourism numbers have been increasing continuously for decades, especially in remote areas, tourism suddenly came to a complete standstill during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing valuable insights regarding the resilience and economic importance of coral reefs. The INREEF program tackles the question of how such fluctuations in tourism, in concert with climate change, fishing, and pollution, will affect the ecological integrity, local livelihoods and cohesion, and the governance capacities of MPAs.

Our team will map key causal mechanisms and investigate feedback to understand how those are linked to resilience against local and regional stressors and disturbances. Through our inclusive bottom-up approach, local stakeholders will be involved in co-develop governance tools and technological interventions enhancing MPA resilience. We will identify generic indicators, including thresholds, quantifying the health and resilience of coral reefs. With this knowledge base, we will co-develop adaptive management plans that reflect local contexts and stakeholders.

In terms of hydrodynamics, local hydrodynamics determine the transport of pollutants from the coast to the coral reefs. However, there currently is a lack of understanding of the role of local hydrodynamics on such pollution flows, impeding the development of local pollution models to directly estimate the transport and delivery of tourism-related pollutants around small islands and surrounding coral reefs.


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W215
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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