Imad Antoine Ibrahim is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Law & Governance at Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS).

He has been working on global issues from a legal perspective for the last decade. He is currently involved in several projects in places such as Europe, South Africa, MENA region, Central Asia, and China.

In the past, he was a Non-Resident Research Fellow at the Center for Innovation in Gas Research and Utilization (CIGRU) & Institute of Water Security and Science (IWSS), West Virginia University, United States; a visiting researcher at the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), Washington, DC, United States, a Junior Fellow in the Global Research Network Think Tank, United Kingdom and an Early Stage Researcher at the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

He was also a resident research fellow at the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research – CUNCR, Brussels, Belgium and an Energy policy expert at the Lebanese Oil & Gas Initiative – LOGI, Beirut, Lebanon. He worked as an EU Commission Marie Curie Fellow at Tsinghua University School of Law, THCEREL—Center for Environmental, Natural Resources & Energy Law, at the CRAES—Chinese Research Academy on Environmental Sciences in Beijing (China) and at the Business School, Research Center for Climate Change and Trade and at Beijing Normal University.

He worked as a researcher in several European and Italian institutes and universities such as the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) and UniversitĂ  degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Novara. He was a trainee lawyer at Al Jad Law Firm reviewing international conventions related to energy.

He holds a Phd in Law from the Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLIS), Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy; a Master in European Interdisciplinary Studies, from the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, and a Bachelor in Law from the Lebanese University “Filiere Francophone de Droit”, Beirut, Lebanon.


  • Social Sciences

    • Legislation
    • Water
    • Communities
    • Analysis
    • Law
    • Perspective
    • Artificial Intelligence
  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Regulation


Ibrahim's research focuses on the interplay between environmental law and disruptive technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Blockchain...). He is an expert in water law, energy law and agriculture that he combines together in the context of Water-Energy-Food nexus. Overall, his research covers the following areas:

Natural Resources Law (Water, Energy, food and agriculture); International Public Law; Climate Change and Environmental Law; Technology Law (including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain), Environmental Protection and Sustainability; International Space Law; International Trade (including Non-Trade Concerns) and Intellectual Property Rights; International Human Rights law; International Organizations; Financial Technology & European Union Law; Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development; International Business Law


Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022


Local energy autarky: What it means and why it matters (2025)Energy research & social science, 120. Article 103920. Ibrahim, I. A., Baack, F. R., Aukes, E. J., Sanderink, L., Coenen, F. H. J. M., Helfrich, F. L., Votsis, A. & Hoppe, T.


AI Governance in a Complex and Rapidly Changing Regulatory Landscape: A Global Perspective (2024)Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11. Article 1121. Zaidan, E. & Ibrahim, I. A. Water Law and the Human Right to Water: The Case of Transboundary Aquifers (2024)[Book/Report › Book]. Routledge. Ibrahim, I. A. Inclusive Urban Transport Planning Through Civic Artificial Intelligence (2024)In Strengthening European Mobility Policy: Governance Recommendations from Innovative Interdisciplinary Collaborations (pp. 115-127). Palgrave Macmillan. Michailidis, D., Khutsishvili, K., Konstantis, K., Tympas, A., Ibrahim, I. A. & Ghebreab, S. Technologies and the Law: from “Catch Me if You Can” to “Law by Design” (2024)Global Journal of Comparative Law, 13(2), 148-177 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Ibrahim, I. A. & Zoppolato, D. G. Aspects of Telematics for Law Enforcement (2024)Arab Law Quarterly (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Truby, J., Al-Shamari, K. S., Brown, R. D. & Ibrahim, I. A. energy justice: The role of supervisory and compliance mechanisms in global frameworks and the international community (2024)Energy Strategy Reviews, 52. Article 101335. Zaidan, E. & Ibrahim, I. A. Data, Data, and More Data: What Is the Law Going to Do about It? (2024)Global Journal of Comparative Law, 13(2), 137-147. Ibrahim, I. A. options for vehicle telematics devices: balancing driver safety, data privacy and data security (2024)International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 38(1), 86-110. Truby, J., Brown, R. D. & Ibrahim, I. A.


The Challenge of Multi-Layer Regulatory Regimes on Transboundary Waters – Can a Community-of-Interests Approach Help? A Case Study of The Mekong (2023)Journal of Water Law, 28(1-2), 22-32. Ibrahim, I. A.Urgenda vs. Juliana: Lessons for Future Climate Change Litigation Cases (2023)University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 84(3), 547-584. Farah, P. D. & Ibrahim, I. A. best to incorporate conjunctive water management into international water law: legal amendment, instrument coupling, or new protocol adoption? (2023)International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 23(3), 333-353. Ibrahim, I. A. & Lautze, J. the Principle of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources from a Geographical Perspective: A Case Study of Transboundary Aquifers (2023)International Community Law Review, 25(5), 456-475. Ibrahim, I. A. Regulating the use of digital technologies in the agricultural sector (2023)Food and Energy Security, 12(4). Article e483. Ibrahim, I. A. & Truby, J. M. of types of consumers (SUSTENANCE deliverable 3.5) (2023)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Aalborg. Aukes, E. J., Ibrahim, I. A., Sanderink, L., Krozer, Y. & Coenen, F. Fallacy of Disruptive Technologies and the Primacy of Politics: Sustainable Development Goals as an Example (2023)In Technology and Sustainable Development: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism (pp. 189-202). Routledge. Ibrahim, I. A. transition and Sustainable Development Goal 7: a legal analysis in the context of the Arab world (2023)Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 16(2), 77-90. Ibrahim, I. A.


Governance in the era of Blockchain technology in Qatar: a roadmap and a manual for Trade Finance (2022)Journal of banking regulation, 23(4), 419-438. Ibrahim, I. A. & Truby, J. nexus in international law: a legal analysis (2022)In Handbook on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (pp. 381-397). Edward Elgar. Farah, P. D. & Ibrahim, I. Lacunas in the EU’s GDPR and Proposed Artificial Intelligence Regulation (2022)European Studies, 9(1), 61-90. Brown, R., Truby, J. & Ibrahim, I. A. Sandbox Approach to Regulating High-Risk Artificial Intelligence Applications (2022)European journal of risk regulation, 13(2), 270-294. Truby, J., Brown, R. D., Ibrahim, I. A. & Parellada, O. C., climate damage, and death: Policy interventions to reduce the carbon emissions, mortality, and net-zero implications of non-fungible tokens and Bitcoin (2022)Energy research & social science, 88. Article 102499. Truby, J., Brown, R. D., Dahdal, A. & Ibrahim, I. Data Analytics and Its Impact on Basin Water Agreements and International Water Law: A Study of the Ramotswa Aquifer (2022)[Book/Report › Book]. Brill. Ibrahim, I., Brown, R. & Truby, J. legal framework for shared water resources in the Arab World: is it really needed? (2022)Water international, 47(4), 512-539. Ibrahim, I. A. in the desert: is a cross-border ‘gulf box’ feasible? (2022)Law, innovation and technology, 14(2), 447-473. Truby, J., Dahdal, A. & Ibrahim, I. A.

Research profiles

Current projects



The overall purpose of the SUSTENANCE (Sustainable Energy System for Achieving Novel Carbon Neutral Energy Communities) project is to create novel sustainable and carbon neutral energy communities.



The aim of the SERENE (Sustainable and Integrated Energy Systems in Local Communities) project is to develop and demonstrate sustainable, integrated, cost-effective and customer centric solutions for local communities.

EU Horizon - Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence)

SSH Centre

The project engages directly with stakeholders across research, policy, and business (including citizens) to strengthen social innovation, SSH-STEM collaboration, transdisciplinary policy advice, inclusive engagement, and SSH communities across Europe, accelerating the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality.


The goal is to research a system that controls energy flows in real-time to ensure that the local grid infrastructure is not overloaded and energy is kept locally within the community, i.e. as much as locally produced energy is used locally within the pilot site.

Exploratory research into small modular nuclear energy in the province of Overijssel (2024-2025)

The province of Overijssel wants to investigate possibilities for nuclear energy in the province, in particular small-scale nuclear energy. This particularly addresses small nuclear reactors with a standard design, so-called SMRs (Small Modular Reactors). Its development is in its early stages worldwide. The Provincial Council of Overijssel identified two tracks it seeks to explore. The first concerns research into what the application of SMRs means for establishment and the knowledge infrastructure (training and research) about new generation SMR reactors in Overijssel. The second track focuses on the economic opportunities for companies based in Overijssel in the construction and operation of new generation SMRs.

CSTM will explore what the concepts of SMR means, what important policy aspects of it are, what experiences with the concept exist, and what policy space the province and municipalities have to decide on its concrete application, taking into account the specific context in Overijssel and the stakeholders in this province.

 There are three components within the research project, namely: i) Form and applicability of small-scale nuclear energy; 2) Policy space and policy aspects; and 3) Follow-up process towards possible policy development and implementation.


University of Twente

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