Iván Cárdenas-León works at PGM Department. His research aims to explore cross-sector interactions integrated into a Digital Twin environment to simulate and assess the impact of planned activities. He has a BSc in Envirnonmental and Sanitary at Universidad de La Salle in Colombia and received a PG-Diploma Specialization in Geographical Information Systems in 2017. His M.Sc. degree is from ITC with a specialization in Urban Planning in 2023. He has already accumulated six years of experience as a GIS analyst for projects on Reforestation and environmental compensation; Environmental Impact Assessment; Emerald, Gold, and Iron Mining; Oil&Gas environmental compliance reports; Flood modeling and risk assessment; and Urban and Regional planning


  • Computer Science

    • Digital Twin
    • Application
    • Contexts
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • Netherlands
    • Context
    • Metropolitan Area
    • Utilization




Digital Twin-based Framework for Heat Stress Calculation (2024)SSRN ELibrary. Cárdenas-León, I., Morales Ortega, L. R., Koeva, M. N., Atun, F. & Pfeffer, K.https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4861693Planning Support System Development for analysing environmental performance of form-based design decisions: Case Study of Enschede (2024)In Planning Support System Development for analysing environmental performance of form-based design decisions: Case Study of Enschede (pp. 137-144) (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives). Copernicus. Tripathy, A., Koeva, M. N., Cárdenas-León, I. & Nourian, P.https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W11-2024-137-2024Solid Waste in the Virtual World: A Digital Twinning Approach for Waste Collection Planning (2024)In Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science - Proceedings of the 18th 3D GeoInfo Conference (pp. 61-74) (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). Springer. Cárdenas, I., Koeva, M., Davey, C. & Nourian, P.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43699-4_4

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University of Twente

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