I am an Assistant Professor in Local Governance of the Public Administration section in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences at the University of Twente. I obtained my PhD from the Delft University of Technology, where I became a Comenius Teaching Fellow and had the opportunity to develop innovative educational approaches related to online and hybrid education. Prior to starting at the University of Twente, I have also worked as a research coordinator in the Centre for Urban Studies of the University of Amsterdam. 


  • Computer Science

    • Serious Game
    • Starting Point
  • Psychology

    • Decision Making
    • Case Study
    • Tools
  • Social Sciences

    • Justice
    • Perspective
    • Urban Areas


As a governance researcher, I am interested in the relationship between local administrations and its residents to tackle key societal challenges. In my PhD research, I focused on the interaction between public institutions and civic initiatives to achieve resilient cities. My postdoctoral work built on this, looking into how the implementation of the “gas free” policy in Amsterdam impacted civic participation and how it triggered commoning practices that were incorporated into local governance strategies. My research uses mainly qualitative methods that vary from in-depth interviews, discourse analysis, co-design and ethnographical observation, but I also have experience on statistical, GIS and system analysis. 

I have experience working in a multidisciplinary context, so please reach out if you are willing to collaborate.

Over the last years, I have mainly worked on the topics of:

-        Self-organisation

-        Commoning practices

-        Local Governance models

-        Urban Political Ecology

-        Civic Initiatives

-        Co-creation

-        Governance of just transitions



Other contributions


Tempels Moreno Pessoa, I. (forthcoming), Urban Commons and Urban Green Infrastructure: the case of multispecies urbanism in Amsterdam.

Qiu, J., Chang, N., Tempels Moreno Pessoa, I., Kaandorp, C., Abraham, E., Molle, B., Declercq, R. (forthcoming), Adaptive Technological Integration to enhance ecosystem services and bolster social-ecological resilience in an urban planet.

Tempels Moreno Pessoa, I., 2021. Self-organised initiatives: a planners’ subversive tool for fragmented urban spaces, International Planning Studies 26(4): 387-398 (https://doi.org/10.1080/13563475.2021.1883419)

Moreno Pessoa I., Vergara, L. M., Korthals Altes, W., Rocco, R., 2019. Rethinking planning education using massive open online courses: the case of Rethink the City, Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning 3(1) (http://doi.org/10.24306/TrAESOP.2019.01.006)

Tempels Moreno Pessoa, I., 2019. Spatial fragmentation and self-organisation: a negative relation in Brazilian metropolises, Urbe – Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana 11 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2175-3369.011.e20180002)

Moreno Pessoa, I., Tasan-Kok, T., Korthals Altes, W., 2016. Brazilian urban porosity: treat or threat?, Urban Design and Planning - 169(2): 47-55 (https://doi.org/10.1680/udap.15.00009)

Pessoa, I., 2016. A Review of “Planning sustainable cities and regions: towards more equitable development”, Edited by Karen Chapple, International Journal of Housing Policy 16(3): 430-433 (https://doi.org/10.1080/14616718.2016.1194003)

Pessoa, I., 2015. Brazilian Metropolitan Dynamics: from spatial fragmentation to social inequality, in: Rocco, R., Villa, D. (eds.). New Urban Languages. Tales and images of spatial justice – Conference Proceedings, TU Delft, Delft

Pessoa, I., 2013. Violência Urbana: o terror sul-americano (Urban Violence: the South-American terror), O Debatedouro 82


Tempels Moreno Pessoa, I., 2019. Planning with Self-organised initiative: from fragmentation to resilience. TU Delft, Delft (https://doi.org/10.7480/abe.2019.4.3798

Moreno Pessoa, I., 2012. Brazilian Geo-economics: A study of the Brazilian model. LAP Lambert

Policy briefs and conference reports

A Manifesto for the Just City. Rocco, R., Newton, C. E. L., Vergara d’Alençon, L. M., van der Watt, A., Tellez Angel, N., Ramaiah Perumalsamy, G. B., Subendran, J., Caradonna, G. E. F. E., Meneses Di Gioia Ferreira, L., & Tempels Moreno Pessôa, I. (Eds.) (2021). A Mani- festo for the Just City. TU Delft Open. https://doi.org/10.34641/mg.14 

Vergroot de focus: de transitie naar aardgasvrije verwarming van gebouwen bekeken vanuit de thema’s “Duurzaam watergebruik” en “Een inclusieve samenleving”. Policy brief from the ENLARGE project to VerDus, 2020

Why should I trust you? Conference Report for the Global Urban Lab, 2020.

Research profiles

Besides supervising bachelor and master thesis, Igor is currently teaching in the BSc Management, Society & Technology, MSc Public Administration and MSc European Studies programs. He teaches the following courses:

-        Public Governance and Legitimacy

-        Global City Networks

-        Organisation Theory

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Comenius Teaching Fellow – Bridging DOCS

UGoveRN – Urban Governance Research Network


University of Twente

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