
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Land
    • Management
    • Model
  • Computer Science

    • Contexts
    • System Administration
  • Social Sciences

    • Governance
    • Africa
    • Approach


Ancillary activities

  • NWO DANSLid Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad DANS
  • WaarderingskamerOnafhankelijk Lid van de Waarderingskamer
  • Land Portal foundationmember of the board (treasurer)
  • Foundation for economic area development in Chadchairman board of trustees



Data modeling and interoperability for an inclusive and distributed land administration system: the case of a LADM based country profile for Kenya (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Okembo, C. O. Flood Vulnerability Geo-Intelligence Workflow for Biases (2024)ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 13(12). Article 419. Masinde, B. K., Gevaert, C. M., Nagenborg, M. H., van den Homberg, M. J. C., Margutti, J., Gortzak, I. & Zevenbergen, J. A. Flood Vulnerability Geo-Intelligence Workflow for Biases (2024)ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 13(12), 1-22. Article 419. Masinde, B., Gevaert, C., Nagenborg, M., van den Homberg, M., Margutti, J., Gortzak, I. & Zevenbergen, J. urban land administration capacity to achieve 2030 agenda for sustainable development in Pakistan (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] FIG Regional Conference 2024. Ahsan, M. S., Atif, S., Lemmen, C. H. J., Hussain, E., Koeva, M. N., Zevenbergen, J. A., Ali, Z. & Waheed, A. property valuation in vertical cities (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Ying, Y. land management under rapid urbanization:: Exploring the link between urban land policies and urban land use efficiency in Ethiopia (2024)Cities, 153, 1-15. Article 105269. Koroso, N. H. & Zevenbergen, J. A. assessment of the governance principles in the implementation of dam-induced involuntary resettlement on host communities: the case of the Bui Dam in Ghana (2024)Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 42(4), 376-393. Adugbila, E. J., Todorovski, D., Pfeffer, K. & Zevenbergen, J. A.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

Langezijds (building no. 19), room 1437
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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