Jamila's mission as concept developer is to make science, technology and design accessible by creating interactive, multisensory and meaningful experiences, empowering various audiences to find their inner power, creativity and motivation to make a difference. Within projects, at (external) events and exhibitions, as (co)moderator and as a member of the Responsible Futuring approach development team.
Finished projects

Art direction Responsible Futuring report
Developments 2021-2023

Dutch Design Week 2021 & 2022
Recruitment UT Projects & Concept Design Programmes

Crossmedia design KLMxDesignLab
Picture and audio book to celebrate collaboration

Project leader Content update
Marketing material prospective BSc & MSc students

Implementation Accessibility
Courses, consulting and execution

Topic expert photography tender
Program requirements & final assessment

University of Twente
Gallery (building no. 17), room DESIGNLAB
Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede