Koen Kuijpers is a PhD candidate at the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (NIKOS) at the University of Twente. He was granted a full scholarship for his PhD by the firms SOWECO N.V. Before he was offered a PhD position, Koen obtained a BSc in Engineering (cum laude) and a MSc in Business Administration at the University of Twente. His dissertation advisor is Prof. Dr. A.J. (Aard) Groen and daily supervisor is Dr. M.L. (Michel) Ehrenhard
Koen's research is positioned at the nexus of sociological and organizational research. His research focuses on the impact of institutional pressures on organizations and visa versa. Specifically, the adoption of new organizational practices by organizations in response to normative, cognitive and regulative changes are clearly at the heart of his research.
Other contributions
'Thank you for smoking!': Legislative impact of state, corporations and activists on tobacco legislation. Kuijpers J.C., van den Broek T.A., Ehrenhard M.L., Need. A. Under review
The impact of cross-national instituional and governance diversity on the adoption of inclusive organizational practices (Working Paper). Kuijpers J.C., Ehrehard M.L.
Analyzing the role of mult-level logic alignment in reducing institutional complexity and predicting organizational response to institutional pressures. Kuijpers J.C., Ehrenhard M.L. EGOS proceedings. Tallinn, Estonia, 05-06-08
'Thank you for smoking!': Legislative impact of state, corporations and activists on tobacco legislation. Kuijpers J.C., van den Broek T.A., Ehrenhard M.L., Need. A. AoM Annual Meeting. Atlanta, USA, 04.08-08.08
'Shattered glass!': Assessing the influence of mass media on legitimacy and entrepreneurs' adoption of new organizational practices. (Working Paper) Kuijpers J.C., Ehrenhard M.L., Aktas S.
Assessing the role of issue fields on the diffusion of inclusive organizational practices in exchange fields. (Working Paper) Kuijpers J.C.
Koen has given lectures in strategic positioning and innovation adoption. He taught at bachelor- and master- level at the University of Twente. Furthermore he supervised both bachelor- and master students during their graduation projects.
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
Research on the fascilitators and obstacles of developmening an inclusive labor market. Consortium SOWECO/ Extend (Almelo) and University Twente.
Research on organizational resilience. Longitudinal data collection. Prof. Dr. Ir. De Weerd- Nederhof, Dr. I. Hatak & Prof. M. Caniëls

University of Twente
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Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede

University of Twente
Ravelijn 2274
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede