Dr.ir. Jan de Leede is academic manager of Professional Learning & Development (PLD) for two day a week and assistant professor Human Resource Management (0.5 day per week) and owner of ModernWorkx, a consultancy firm. He received his MSc in Management Studies from University of Twente in 1992 and his PhD from University of Twente (Bottom-up innovation; self-managing teams and product and process innovation) in 1997. He worked as senior researcher/consultant at TNO Work and Employment (2001-2008) and is since then owner of ModernWorkx. He is focussed on research in the field of HR Analytics, working times and capacity management, flexible labour, virtual teams and new ways of working. His consultancy work is focussing on design and evaluation of worktime policies and shiftwork systems, design of ergonomic friendly rosters and self-rostering and capacity management. Both in industry, public services and healthcare.


  • Social Sciences

    • Employees
    • Case Studies
    • Behavior
    • Work
    • Dutch
  • Psychology

    • Innovative Work Behavior
    • Case Study
  • Computer Science

    • Innovations




Research profiles

In the press

In 2018-2020, some press coverage on the issue of reduced work hours:

-Financieel Dagblad, ‘Ook gestrest Nederland moet gaan experimenteren met de zesurige werkdag’, 2018, February 10.

-Trouw, ‘6-urige werkdag’, 2018, February 15.

-Podcast InnovatieWasstraat (Kim Spinder) #047 Jan de Leede Universiteit Twente “Waarom we nu moeten experimenteren met de zesurige werkdag”.

-Radio 1 Dit is de dag (16-02-2018) on 6-hour-working day.

-Business News Radio (20-11-2018) on 6-hour-working day.

-Radio 1 Journaal (08-07-2019) on 100 years of 8-hour working day

-Radio 1 Fris (12-01-2020) on work hour reduction

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