Jeroen Meijerink, PhD is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management (HRM) at the University of Twente (The Netherlands). His research activities focus on the value(s), organization and technology of alternative organizational forms  (e.g. online platforms, cooperatives, ecosystems) and new forms of work (e.g. gig work, data annotation, prompt engineering). He has a special interest in the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence at work and in human resource management.

His research is multidisciplinary in nature, draws on the service-dominant logic, resource-based view and institutional theories, and has been published in peer-reviewed international outlets such as Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, Ethics and Information Technology, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Personnel Review, European Journal of International Management, and Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

Furthermore, Jeroen Meijerink is involved as a coordinator and teacher in multiple courses in the following educational programs: International Business Administration (bachelor), Health Sciences (bachelor) and Business Administration (master).  


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Human Resource Management
    • Value Creation
    • Online Reviews
    • Enterprise
    • Workforce
  • Computer Science

    • Contexts
    • Algorithms
    • Algorithmic Management


The research of Jeroen Meijerink focuses on human resource management (HRM) and value co-creation in online labor platforms, including freelance platforms (e.g. Uber and Deliveroo), co-employment platforms (e.g. YouBahn) and intra-organizational labor platforms (e.g. Open Opportunities). He has a special interest in the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence in human resource management. His research is multi-disciplinary in nature and draws on insights from HRM, marketing, strategy and philosophy. 

His research has been published in peer-reviewed international outlets such as Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Research, Human Resource Management Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Personnel Review, European Journal of International Management, and The Services Industries Journal.

He has organized multiple international workshops and symposia that brought together researchers and practitioners with an interest in HRM, value creation and online labor platforms. For this research, he collaborated with private and public organizations such as Ahold, the Dutch Railways (NS), KLM, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, Pfizer, Stork, Tata Steel, Thales, TNT, and T-Mobile. For realizing his research initiatives, he was granted financial support from the Fulbright Scholar Program and the NWO.  

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