I am currently working as an assistant professor in Engineering Fluid Dynamics research group at the University of Twente starting from 2022. I am predominately interested in studying the behavior of droplets in micro-scale and using ejected micro-droplets as a tool to fabricate novel functional materials. By precisely controlling the adhesion of microdroplets on a surface, I have developed several novel approaches including high-resolution printed electronics, reduced transmission of the aerosolized bacteria, and enhanced detection of the aerosolized pathogen.


Before working as an assistant professor, I worked as a postdoc on the topic of Fluid Dynamics for Functional Materials in EFD for 4 years. My project was to develop functional core-shell microparticles (e.g. particles with biologically degradable ”air-shell” ) by using a new technology, “In-air microfluidics”. My research in this project leads to several active research lines in the team. I collaborated with a UT spin-off company, IamFluidics, to explore how microparticles could be applied in the preservation of functionality and the targeted delivery of bioactive materials. 


I received my Master's degree in material engineering (2015, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) and my Ph.D. degree in biomedical sciences (2018, City University of Hong Kong & Cornell university, collaborative PhD program). In my Master's assignment, I developed “embedded-inkjet printing” to fabricate transparent multilayer circuits composed of high‐resolution embedded cables. In my Ph.D. study, I expanded my research from inkjet printing to the interaction of micro-droplets on antifouling surfaces and explored their biomedical applications. I designed antifouling surfaces to repel or collect aerosolized droplets. I was actively involved in a joint program at Cornell University to develop nanoparticles for vaccine delivery.  


  • Material Science

    • Surface
    • Material
    • Liquid
    • Ink
    • Nanocomposites
    • Droplet
    • Electronic Circuit
  • Chemistry

    • Procedure




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Courses academic year 2023/2024

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Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N250
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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