Jojanneke studied Bioprocess technology at Wageningen University and Research, with a specialisation in molecular and cellular research. She then started her PhD research at the University of Twente, working at the research labs of the tissue engineering company IsoTis in Bilthoven for the first 3 years. For the last year, the Tissue Regeneration group moved to the new Zuidhorst building on the UT campus in Enschede. She defended her PhD thesis on Skeletal tissue engineering using embryonic stem cells in 2009, with professor Clemens van Blitterswijk as promotor and Jan de Boer as co-promotor. 

In 2008, she became a project manager at the Biomedical Technological Institute (BMTI) of the UT for the ‘Translational excellence in Regenerative Medicine’ program. The 5-year TeRM SmartMix program was a collaboration between the UT, TU/e, the UMCs of Utrecht, Leiden, Maastricht, Groningen, Rotterdam and Nijmegen, plus 5 companies. Together with the BioMedical Materials program, the Dutch Program on Tissue Engineering, the Netherlands Institute for Regenerative Medicine, she initiated the educational program for PhD students ‘Regenerative Medicine’.

In the following years, BMTI became MIRA, the Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine. Jojanneke was project manager for various research projects, such as the High Tech Health Farm, MIRA research voucher program and the Center for Medical Imaging exploitatiesubsidie. She was also involved in educational projects such as ‘The Science Factor’, the MIRA graduate program for the Twente Graduate School and the MOOC ‘Nanotechnology for Health – Innovative designs for medical diagnosis’. Furthermore, she supported the MIRA management team with annual reports and institute budgets, the midterm evaluation, and various events. 

In 2018, MIRA became the TechMed Centre. Currently, Jojanneke is, amongst others, project manager of the ‘Pioneers in Healthcare Innovation Fund’, a collaboration between the UT, Saxion, hospitals MST, ZGT and Deventer Hospital and Reggeborgh. She is project manager of the strategic program ‘Advanced biomanufacturing’ of the UT, University of Utrecht and UMC Utrecht. In addition, she is the lab manager for the Animal research facility of the UT. She also supports the TechMed Management Team in the Discipline council and Domain meetings, with the TechMed Institute label and Fact and Figures and the TechMed Research Day. 


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Embryonic Stem Cell
    • Cells
    • Differentiation
    • Cartilage
    • Bone Tissue Engineering
    • Bone
    • Mesenchymal Stem Cell
    • Tissue Engineering



University of Twente

Technohal (building no. 18), room 2106
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede

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