An industrial engineer who turns to be more affectionate in interdisciplinary studies and enjoys a new environment. Having interests on the circular economy, city and urban context in their relation to waste management and government policies, and involving in many research projects. The main focus for enabling a circular economy is directly related to various improvement opportunities. In many developing countries, improper waste management systems could offer a catalyst for the transition.  We have been  working on how to operationalize circular cities transition for developing countries. We have been working on the ingredients for circular cities and what makes them prioritize the focus.  Our recent project will address more specific propositions to adjust local conditions by proposing a model of collaboration and institutional arrangements within urban governance frameworks


  • Social Sciences

    • Indexes
    • Indonesia
    • Urban Areas
    • Circular Economy
    • Situation
    • Actors
    • Process
    • Developed Countries



Mapping Indonesian's transition towards a circular economyIn 4° Congreso de Ingeniería, Ciencia y Gestión Ambiental AMICA - 5th International Conference of Greening of Industry Network: 28, 29 y 30 de octobre de 2019, Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM, Ciudad de México, Article ID 616 (pp. 516-522). UNAM, Instituto de Ingeniería. Nurdiana, J., Heldeweg, M. & Franco-García, M.-L.New lens scenarios to shape the future of Indonesian’s first circular cityIn 4° Congreso de Ingeniería, Ciencia y Gestión Ambiental AMICA - 5th International Conference of Greening of Industry Network: 28, 29 y 30 de octobre de 2019, Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM, Ciudad de México, Article ID 617 (pp. 523-527). UNAM, Instituto de Ingeniería. Nurdiana, J., Heldeweg, M. & Franco-García, M.-L.

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