João Meneses graduated with an Integrated Master's in Bioengineering with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP, Portugal), in collaboration with the Biomedical Sciences Institute of Abel Salazar (ICBAS, Portugal) in October 2020. His master's thesis was developed in collaboration with the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC, The Netherlands) and was entitled "3D Printing of Polycaprolactone/Graphene-based Materials Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering". From March 2021 until August 2023, he worked as a Junior Research Fellow at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL, Portugal) in the Nanosafety Research Group. The work focused on developing computational methods to achieve Safe-and-Sustainable advanced nanomaterials (NMs). To this aim, he took advantage of (i) supervised and (ii) unsupervised machine learning (ML) algorithms, (iii) quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR), and (iv) quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) models. Overall, the work paved the way for efficient decision-making, prediction, and mitigation of the potential occupational and environmental risks of NMs. Moreover, he performed a secondment at IBM Research Europe (Zurich, Switzerland). The work focused on integrating an AI-assisted microcontroller-based chemical sensor with blockchain. Such a secondment allowed him to continue developing skills in developing interpretable and interoperable ML algorithms and gain knowledge on electrochemical sensors and blockchain technology. Since September 2023, he started as a PhD candidate at the University of Twente (Dep. of Advanced Organ Bioengineering and Therapeutics, The Netherlands) to work on (i) Organs-on-chips, (ii) high-content data analysis, and (iii) AI.




Guiding organs-on-chips towards applications: a balancing act between integration of advanced technologies and standardization (2024)Frontiers in Lab on a Chip Technologies, 3. Meneses, J., Pereira Dos Santos Conceição, F., van der Meer, A., de Wit, S. & Moreira Teixeira Leijten, L. S.


A Nano-QSTR model to predict nano-cytotoxicity: an approach using human lung cells data (2023)Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 20. Article 21. Meneses, J., González-Durruthy, M., Fernandez-de-Gortari, E., Toropova, A. P., Toropov, A. A. & Alfaro-Moreno, E. Printed Magneto-Active Microfiber Scaffolds for Remote Stimulation and Guided Organization of 3D In Vitro Skeletal Muscle Models (2023)Small. Cedillo-Servin, G., Dahri, O., Meneses, J., van Duijn, J., Moon, H., Sage, F., Silva, J., Pereira, A., Magalhães, F. D., Malda, J., Geijsen, N., Pinto, A. M. & Castilho, M. system of self-consistent models based on quasi-SMILES as a tool to predict the potential of nano-inhibitors of human lung carcinoma cell line A549 for different experimental conditions (2023)Drug and Chemical Toxicology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Toropova, A. P., Meneses, J., Alfaro-Moreno, E. & Toropov, A. A.


Nanosafety: An Evolving Concept to Bring the Safest Possible Nanomaterials to Society and Environment (2022)Nanomaterials, 12(11). Article 1810. Lebre, F., Chatterjee, N., Costa, S., Fernández-de-Gortari, E., Lopes, C., Meneses, J., Ortiz-Galvez, L. M., Ribeiro, A. R., Vilas-Boas, V. & Alfaro-Moreno, E. Exposure, Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis and Adverse Cellular Outcomes: A Scoping Review (2022)Nanomaterials, 12(7). Article 1231. Lima, T. S. M., souza, w. d., Geaquinto, L., Sanches, P., Stepien, E., Meneses, J., Gortari, E. F.-d., Meisner-Kober, N., Himly, M., Granjeiro, J. M. & Ribeiro, A. R. of Polymer/Graphene Biocomposites for Tissue Engineering (2022)Polymers, 14(5). Article 1038. Meneses, J., Kemp, T. v. d., Costa-Almeida, R., Pereira, R. F., Magalhães, F. D., Castilho, M. & Pinto, A. M.


Near-infrared radiation-based mild photohyperthermia therapy of non-melanoma skin cancer with PEGylated reduced nanographene oxide (2020)Polymers, 12(8). Article 1840. Costa-Almeida, R., Bogas, D., Fernandes, J. R., Timochenco, L., Silva, F. A. L. S., Meneses, J., Gonçalves, I. C., Magalhães, F. D. & Pinto, A. M.

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