Jingyi Qiao is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at the Department of Learning, Data Analytics, and Technology (LDT). She obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees in Educational Technology from Central China Normal University.

Her doctoral research focuses on the development and implementation of learning analytics dashboards for teachers in K-12 education. Through her work, Jingyi aims to empower educators with actionable insights into student progress and performance, ultimately improving instructional decision-making and promoting student success.


Jingyi's research centers on the development of learning analytics dashboards tailored for teachers to enhance their instructional adaptation. By designing teacher-facing learning analytics dashboards, her aim is to provide educators with real-time insights into student progress and performance, thereby empowering them to make data-driven decisions to adapt their teaching strategies effectively.


University of Twente

Cubicus (building no. 41), room B226
De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede

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