Prof. J.S. (Hans) Rietman MD, PhD is physiatrist and professor in Rehabilitation Medicine & Technology at the University of Twente. He performs his clinical work as a rehabilitation physician at Roessingh Center for Rehabilitation. He is also appointed at the research institute Roessingh Research and Development and member of the Biomedical Technological Institute of the University of Twente and adjunct professor at Northwestern University Chicago.

In 2014 he became president of the Netherlands Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (NSRM).

His research focuses on the clinical use of technology in restoration of functions in patients with neurological disorders and patients with amputations of upper and lower extremities. He is actively involved in a diversity of (inter-) national projects focusing on Rehabilitation Robotics and Active Assistive Devices. In 2016 he became medical director of the Center of research excellence Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) SPRINT and since 2018 he is leader of this national program IMDI 2.0. He is co-editor of the Dutch book of Rehabilitation Medicine for adults and the Dutch book of Amputation and Prosthetics of the lower extremities and (co)author of more than 100 Pubmed cited articles. H-Index: 34 (Google Scholar)

Fields of interest

  • Restoration of human functions / Rehabilitation
  • Human motor control
  • Amputation and Prostheses of upper and lower limbs



  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Apoplexy
    • Patient
    • Orthosis
    • Gait
    • Foot
    • Leg
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Robotics
    • Cerebrovascular Accident




Stimulating rehabilitation: A new hybrid rehabilitation device combining robot and functional electrical stimulation for early stroke rehabilitation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Rikhof, C. J. H. involvement during the development of the T-GRIP thumb exoskeleton (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 6th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation, ICNR 2024. Kottink, A. I. R., Haarman, C. J. W., Farjam, P., Tuijthof, G., Maas, E. M., van Vliet, R., Rietman, J. S. & Prinsen, E. C.The effect of rectus femoris transfer on kinematics and functional outcomes in adult stroke patients walking with a stiff knee gait (2024)Gait & posture, 114, 101-107. Tenniglo, M. J. B., Buurke, J. H., Zeegers, A. V. C. M., Fleuren, J. F. M., Rietman, J. S. & Prinsen, E. C. robot-based hybrid lower limb system for Assist-As-Needed rehabilitation of stroke patients: Technical evaluation and clinical feasibility (2024)Computers in biology and medicine, 179. Article 108839. Leerskov, K. S., Rikhof, C. J. H., Spaich, E. G., Dosen, S., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Prinsen, E. C., Rietman, J. S. & Andreasen Struijk, L. N. S. evaluation of the T-GRIP thumb exoskeleton to support lateral pinch grasp of spinal cord injured individuals (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 63rd International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting, ISCoS 2024. Maas, E. M., Haarman, C. J. W., Kottink, A. I. R. & Rietman, J. S.Combining robotics and functional electrical stimulation for assist-as-needed support of leg movements in stroke patients: A feasibility study (2024)Medical engineering & physics, 130. Article 104216. Rikhof, C. J. H., Leerskov, K. S., Prange-Lasonder, G. B., Prinsen, E. C., Spaich, E. G., Dosen, S., Andreasen Struijk, L. N. S., Buurke, J. H. & Rietman, J. S. the clinical effects of a dynamic shoulder orthosis (2024)Prosthetics and orthotics international, 48(4), 455-465. Haarman, C. J. W., Hekman, E. E. G., van der Kooij, H. & Rietman, J. S. effect on hand function after home use of a wearable assistive soft-robotic glove supporting grip strength (2024)PLoS ONE, 19(7 July). Article e0306713. Kottink, A. I. R., Nikamp, C. D. M., Bos, F. P., van der Sluis, C. K., van den Broek, M., Onneweer, B., Stolwijk-Swüste, J. M., Brink, S. M., Voet, N. B. M., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B. support combined with electrical stimulation for the lower extremity in stroke patients: a systematic review (2024)Journal of neural engineering, 21(2). Article 021001. Rikhof, C. J. H., Feenstra, Y., Fleuren, J. F. M., Buurke, J. H., Prinsen, E. C., Rietman, J. S. & Prange-Lasonder, G. B. cyclists: An evaluation study of a bicycle light communication system aimed to support older cyclists in traffic interactions (2024)International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 8(3), 294-317. Westerhuis, F., Engbers, C., Dubbeldam, R., Rietman, H. & de Waard, D.

Other contributions

Research profiles


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