As Associate Professor in the Civil Engineering & Management Department, I am doing research and education into multi-stakeholder processes with a focus on climate-resilient infrastructure systems. I am part of the Integrated Project Delivery chair where we are committed to co-creating integrative approaches for the Civil Engineering sector that add value to society.

Through my research and education, I aim to contribute to enhancing the sustainability and resilience of our living environment. This often requires organizations, sectors and governance structures to engage in more integrated, participatory and future-oriented solutions. I am currently especially working on: stakeholder participation, cross-sectoral collaboration, learning processes, boundary spanning, public values, transdisciplinary research approaches, participatory resilience assessment and decision-making processes.

In the BSc and MSc Civil Engineering curricula, I am introducing students into wicked problems, stakeholder participation, resilience assessment and integrative approaches. I am supervising a wide range of BSc and MSc students as well as PhD candidates and postdocs on these topics. Our research is funded by a variety of regional, national and European funders. For our research, we closely collaborate with Dutch government organizations (municipalities, regional water authorities, provinces, Ministry), Dutch knowledge and network organizations (Deltares, 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering) and a wide range of European and international partners.

Before joining the University of Twente:

  • I was postdoc researcher at the Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of OsnabrĂŒck. My research project KNOW2ADAPT(Jan. 2014 - April 2017) focused on multi-level learning in European cooperation projects. This project was funded through an FP7 Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship.
  • I co-organized an international Autumn School "Concepts, frameworks and methods for the comparative analysis of water governance" (Julich, Germany, 28 Oct. – 6 Nov. 2015). For the organization of the event, we received a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation.
  • I worked as project manager for international projects at the Dutch Regional Water Authority Vechtstromen (2013). I was involved in the beginning of a European project focusing on governance and drought adaptation (DROP) and a Dutch-funded capacity building project in Vietnam.
  • My PhD research at the University of Twente (Sept. 2008 - May 2013) focused on the effectiveness of Dutch-funded water projects in Romania. Building on insights about policy and knowledge transfer, water governance, knowledge management, social learning and policy evaluation, I investigated the processes and outcomes of three Dutch-Romanian water projects and the Romanian governance context. 


  • Social Sciences

    • Governance
    • Project
    • Policy
    • Water
    • Actors
    • Climate Change
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Netherlands
    • Investigation


Central in my research is the design and analysis of multi-stakeholder processes in civil engineering. I am especially interested in sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure systems. While most of my research is in the domain of environmental studies, I often draw from public administration, transition studies, organizational studies, and related disciplines. I am particularly interested in identifying patterns and conditions for success, the design of multi-stakeholder processes, the assessment of (learning) outcomes and the effectiveness of new methods and approaches for stakeholder engagement, such as, living labs.

Interests and experience:

  • Topics: Process design, linking multi-actor processes, knowledge development and institutions in the civil engineering domain.
  • Domains: Climate change adaptation, flood risk management, drought adaptation, asset management, integrated area development, drinking water and wastewater treatment.
  • Theories and concepts: Knowledge co-production, social learning, uncertainty management, institutional design, governance assessment, resilience assessment, value capture, international policy/knowledge/technology transfer.
  • Methods: design science, action research, transdisciplinary approaches, qualitative comparative analysis, in-depth case study research.
  • Countries and regions: Province of Overijssel, the Netherlands, Northwest Europe, Romania, Vietnam, Cameroon

Supervision (ongoing) of PhD and postdoc projects (from new to old):

  • Vacancy (Oct 2024-2028), PhD project "How collaboration contributes to improved flood and drought risk management in transboundary regional river basins". With Cheryl de Boer (PGM, ITC Faculty), Laura Herzog, Claudia Pahl-Wostl (both University of Osnabruck), part of the JCAR-ATRACE programme.
  • Kelsey Wentling (Sept. 2024-2028), PhD project "Facilitating the co-creation of sponge measures and strategies in European river basins". With Beau Warbroek, Robert-Jan den Haan (DPM, ET Faculty), Leentje Volker, part of the EU Horizon project SpongeWorks.
  • Maren Jabs (Aug. 2024-2028), PhD project "Integrated Assessment of Drought Resilience and Alternative Futures in the Context of Climate Change". With Lara Wöhler, Maarten Krol (both MWM-CEM, ET Faculty). Part of the EU INTERREG project DIWA.
  • Carlos Carlos Rivera-ChoscĂł (June 2024-2028), PhD project "Breaking silos: Designing and implementing an integrative approach to curb climate change in the built environment". With Beau Warbroek, Leentje Volker.
  • Susan Groenia (April 2024-2028), PhD project "Innovating Infrastructure Asset Management Practices". With Andreas Hartmann, Giorgia Giardina (TUDelft), Leentje Volker. Part of the NWO-NWA project UBQ4.
  • Sergio Alvarado Vazquez (Oct 2023-2025), postdoc project "Sustainable and participatory asset management practices for inner-city bridges and quay walls". With Andreas Hartmann. Part of the NWO-NWA project LiveQuay.
  • Anne Ellermann (March 2023-2027), PhD project "Innovative participatory and collaborative approaches for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe". With Kris Lulofs and GĂŒl Özerol (both CSTM, BMS Faculty). Part of the EU Horizon GOVAQUA project.
  • Max de Vries (March 2023-2027), PhD project "Flood Resilient Landscapes: towards an integrated and future-proof flood risk management approach". With Denie Augustijn (MFS-CEM, ET Faculty), Leentje Volker. Part of the HWBP project Waterveiligheidslandschappen and a collaboration agreement with regional water authority Drents-Overijsselse Delta.
  • Karin Snel (Nov 2021-Sept 2024), postdoc project "Towards an integrated approach for flood protection and nature. With Bas Borsje (MFS-CEM; ET Faculty) and Leentje Volker. Part of the HWBP project Dijken en Natuur and of a collaboration with regional water authority Drents-Overijsselse Delta.
  • Angie Ruiz Roblez (Feb 2022-2026), PhD project "Enhancing stakeholder synergies on sustainability in the asphalt road sector". With Joao Oliveira dos Santos, AndrĂ© DorĂ©e, Leentje Volker. Part of a collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat, programme Aantoonbaar Duurzaam Asfalt.
  • Franziska Baack (Feb 2019 - Nov 2024), PhD project "Design of participatory processes to accelerate climate change adaptation in mid-sized cities. With Stefan Kuks and GĂŒl Özerol (both CSTM, BMS Faculty), Joop Halman (emritus). Part of a collaboration with Province of Overijssel, regional water authority Vechtstromen, municipalities of Enschede and Zwolle, Saxion University of Applied Sciences.



How flood risk management projects can improve urban resilience: a combined assessment approach of functional resilience and adaptive capacity (2024)Australian Journal of Water Resources, 1. Doornkamp, T. J. L., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Pahlow, M. & Matheson, D. Climate Change Adaptation through Mainstreaming and Collective Action at the Local Level (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Baack, F. R. climate change adaptation implementation at the local level: a tale of two cities in the Netherlands (2024)Journal of environmental planning and management. Baack, F., Kuks, S. M. M., Özerol, G., Vinke-de Kruijf, J. & Halman, J. I. M. slow implementation of sustainable innovations in the asphalt paving sector: the role of actors and their interactions (2024)Construction management and economics, 42(10), 902-925. Ruiz, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Santos, J., Volker, L. & Doree, A. municipalities tackling climate change adaptation to heat stress through mainstreaming across sectors (2024)Environmental science & policy, 160. Article 103845. Baack, F., Halman, J., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Özerol, G. & Kuks, S. of flood risk management in the Netherlands: Implications for boundary judgement practices (2024)Journal of flood risk management, 18(1). Article e13028 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Groefsema, L. & Snel, K. A. W. water infrastructure: A call to action (2024)Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy, 5(1), 17-29. Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Heim LaFrombois, M., Warbroek, B. W. D., Morris, J. C. & Kuks, S. M. M. climate change adaptation through mainstreaming at the local level: A comparative case study of two municipalities in the Netherlands (2024)Regional environmental change, 24(2). Article 49. Baack, F., Özerol, G., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Halman, J. & Kuks, S. Water Infrastructure for Climate Resilience: Governance Dimensions and Challenges (2024)Public Works Management and Policy, 29(2), 133-145. Fisk, J. M., Harris, P. A., Vinke-De Kruijf, J., Kuks, S. M. M. & Morris, J. C. of a value-based and forward-looking framework to assess flood resilience (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Conference on Resilient Systems, ICRS 2024. de Vries, M. C. J., Vinke - de Kruijf, J. & Augustijn, D. C. M. (.

Other contributions

PhD thesis:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2013). Transferring water management knowledge: How actors, interaction and context influence the effectiveness of Dutch-funded projects in Romania. Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente. Available:

Book (co-editor):

De Boer, C., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Özeröl, G., Bressers, J.T.A. (eds) (2013). Water Governance, Policy and Knowledge Transfer International Studies on Contextual Water Management. Oxon: Earthscan from Routledge.

  • Introduction. By: Özeröl, G., De Boer, C. & Vinke-de Kruijf, J.
  • Water management solutions: On panaceas and policy transfer. By: Vinke-de Kruijf, J. & Özeröl, G.
  • How contextual factors influence the effectiveness of international projects: the case of Dutch-funded flood risk management projects in Romania. By: Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Teodosiu, C., Bressers, H.T.A. & Augustijn, D.C.M.
  • Conclusions. By: Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Özeröl, G. & De Boer, C.

Book chapters:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Bressers, H. T. A., & Augustijn, D. C. M. (2015). Integrated Management of the Lower Danube River: Experiences with the Application of Dutch Policy Concepts and Interactive Planning Methods. In C. Iordachi & K. Van Assche (Eds.), The biopolitics of the Danube Delta: Nature, History, Policies (pp. 373-402). London: Lexington Books.

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Kuks, S. M. M., & Augustijn, D. C. M. (2013). Connective capacity in a dynamic context: changing water governance structures in Romania. In J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers & P. Scholten (Eds.), Water governance as connective capacity (pp. 49-67). Surry-London, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishers.

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Augustijn, D. C. M., & Bressers, H. (2012). Integrated and participatory planning to create more Space for the River Danube in Romania. In J. F. Warner, A. Van Buuren & J. Edelenbos (Eds.), Making Space for the River: Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe (pp. 163-174). London: IWA Publishing.

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., & Bressers, J. T. A. (2012). Knowledge transfer in international cooperation projects: experiences from a Dutch-Romanian project. In A. Chavoshian & K. Takeuchi (Eds.), Proceedings of ICFM5: Floods from Risk to Opportunity (Vol. 357, pp. 423-434). Oxfordshire: IAHS Press.


Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2015). Learning about climate change adaptation through European cooperation: a preliminary assessment of the WAVE project. Deliverable 3a of research project KNOW2ADAPT. [Download]

Vinke-de Kruijf, Joanne (2015). How to study learning in European cooperation projects? An introduction of a comparative research design. Deliverable 1 of research project KNOW2ADAPT. [Download]

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2015). Plan for outreach, dissemination and engagement of potential users. Deliverable b and c of research project KNOW2ADAPT. [Download]

Boer, Cheryl de and Bressers, Hans and Goddek, Simon and Vinke-de Kruijf, Joanne (2013) Report on the application of the governance tool for the Steering Centre for Urban Flood Control (SCFC). Report provided as part of the Capacity building program for the Steering Centre for Flood Control Program in Ho Chi Minh City Available:

Bressers, Hans and Boer, Cheryl de and Lordkipanidze, M. and Özerol, GĂŒl and Vinke-de Kruijf, Joanne and Farusho, Carina and Lajeunesse, Carina and Larrue, Corinne and Ramos, Maria-Helena and Kampa, Eleftheria and Stein, Ulf and Tröltzsch, Jenny and Vidaurre, Rodrigo and Browne, Alison (2013). Water governance assessment tool: with an elaboration for drought resilience. CSTM research report, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Bressers, Hans and Boer, Cheryl de and Kuks, S.M.M. and Özerol, GĂŒl and Vinke-de Kruijf, Joanne (2013) University of Twente water governance assessment tool - Summary. University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2012). The role of Dutch expertise in Romanian water projects: Case study 'Integrated Water Management in the Tecucel River Basin'. CE&M research report 2012R-001/WEM-001, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2011). The role of Dutch expertise in Romanian water projects: Case study 'Pilot implementation FLIWAS in Banat region, Romania'. CE&M research report 2011R-02/WEM-002, ISSN 1568-4652, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2011). The role of Dutch expertise in Romanian water projects: Case study 'Room for the River in Cat‘s bend, Romania'. CE&M research report 2011R-001/WEM-001, ISSN 1586-4652, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2009). Dutch expertise in Romanian water projects: retrospective case study ‘Teleorman Flood Risk Management Pilot Project’. CE&M research report 2009R-004/WEM-004, ISSN 1568-4652, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J. (2009). Applying Dutch Water Expertise Abroad: How to Contribute Effectively in the Romanian Context. Theoretical Framework. CE&M research report 2009R-002/WEM-002, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands. Available:

De Kruijf, J. (2007). Problem structuring in interactive decision-making processes: How interaction, problem perceptions and knowledge contribute to a joint formulation of a problem and its solutions, MSc thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Available:

Professional publications:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., De Boer, C. and Tack, S. (2014). Urban water governance and capacity building in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Water Governance (01/2014), 38-42.

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Peppen, D. van, Ottow, B., Sannen, A. and Udo, J. (2013). How to facilitate the transfer of water management knowledge : lessons from Dutch-Romanian project experiences for project implementers, advisors and financers. Partners voor Water, The Hague, the Netherlands. Available:

Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Bressers, J. T. A., Hulscher S.J.H.M., Augustijn, D. C. M. (2012), The challenges of transferring knowledge. Water Governance, 2(1), 63-70.

Research profiles

I am involved in various BSc and MSc courses where I coordinate and teach the following topics:

  • Stakeholder analysis, stakeholder participation, multi-actor collaboration.
  • Urban climate resilience and resilience assessment.
  • Governance assessment and policy implementation.

In the BSc programme of Civil Engineering I currently contribute to Module 2 where I teach Governance of Multi-Actor Problems. In the MSc programme of Civil Engineering & Management I am coordinating the course Urban Resilience in a Changing Climate. I am contributing to various courses, including the MSc course Building with Nature and UT's Transdisciplinary MSc-insert programme. 

I am supervising students with an interest in climate-resilience and climate adaptation, multi-actor processes, stakeholder participation and integrated solutions.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Current projects

SpongeWorks (EU-Horizon)

Co-creating and Upscaling Sponge Landscapes by Working with Natural Water Retention and Sustainable Management

SpongeWorks' main objective is to demonstrate practical, effective, economically feasible and socially inclusive integrated approaches and sustainable solutions that enhance the sponge functioning of interconnected ground-water, soil, and surface water systems at the regional scale. The project is implemneted by 28 partners, including knowledge institutes, governmental organizations and NGOs involved in Germany, Greece, France, Netherlands and UK. The evaluation and implementation of sponge measures in three large demonstrators (the Pinios (GR), LĂšze (FR) and Vecht (NL/DE) River Basins and transferring approaches and lessons learnt through an action plan and roadmap to at least eight associated regions and beyond to the wider EU SpongeWorks Academy is aimed at.

Despite recognition that improving the water retention capacity of landscapes – here called ‘sponge functioning’- is a suitable method to help make society more resilient to climate change, implementation of such a methods is still lagging. This is due to a lack of system understanding and proof, a lack of knowledge at the stakeholder level on the potential impact and direct and indirect socio-economic benefits, a lack of effective and sustainable governance in close collaboration with all stakeholders involved in landscape and water management, and a lack of well-functioning institutional settings that stimulate integrated adaptive planning, design and implementation.

It is therefore imperative that active demonstration of the potential benefits of increasing the sponge functioning of landscapes is needed. SpongeWorks emphasizes the need for planning, implementation, and management together with all relevant stakeholders. 

The University of Twente is responsible for the multi-actor aproach, including research to facilitate the inclusive and just implementation of measures, understanding the governance context for implementation and stakeholder management in the Vecht basin.


Development and implementation of transboundary drought strategies

High water and flooding are high on the political agenda after the recent floods in summer 2021 and, very recently, winter 2023/2024. However, climate change does not just cause an excess of water, but also more and more frequently shortages of water. Drought has been set on the political agenda by now, but its approach is still in its infancy.

In project ‘DIWA’ a cross-border drought approach will be developed and implemented. This makes DIWA a unique project. Drought as we have experienced it in the past 5 years is a new phenomenon for our region. The approach of drought requires cooperation on the scale of (cross-border) basin- and water storage areas, in which groundwater plays an important role. Because of its complexity drought requires a sector-transcending approach. However, connections between sectors, areas, managers, and financing options lack at this moment.

DIWA will change this through these actions: – Optimalization of the governance for organizing combating drought more effectively. – Expansion and automatization of discharge- and groundwater measurements. Through this we improve our prediction toolbox and we take a first step towards sustainable groundwater management. – Development of scenarios and (communication) strategies, through which we map in an area-encompassing manner drought risks and effectivity of measures (objective: the right measures in the right place). – Exploration and application of anti-drought-measures in practice (area pilots). – Synthesis of all results and experiences (lessons learned) in a digital guideline for water- and land managers in other (border) regions, to allow them to handle drought in the future better as well.

The University of Twente contributes to the development of a framework for assessing drought resilience, the (cross-sectoral) impacts of measures, the development and climate-scenario's, governance strategies and transformation pathways for achieving desirable futures.


Urbiquay for responsive and value-based asset management

UBQ4 investigates the influence of innovative solutions and changing societal values on the asset management of bridges and quay walls in historic inner cities. The consortium delivers methods and guidelines for the dynamic integration of changing values in the day-to-day management of assets by municipal organisations.

UBQ4 is one of the four projects that is funded as part of the NWO-NWA research programme Urbiquay. This research programme was set up by NWO and the Municipality of Amsterdam, in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and with cooperation from the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute).

The University of Twente leads the UBQ4 project and conducts research into innovating infrastructure asset management practices.

Combining expertise encompassing the entire knowledge chain, the interdisciplinary research focuses on the municipalities of Amsterdam, The Hague and Zwolle. The aim of the project, besides producing scientifically sound results, is to develop and validate appropriate practical and resilient solutions for the future.


Integrated and future-proof approaches for flood resilient landscapes

This project aims to support the implementation of flood resilient landscapes. The project is a collaboration between two CEM groups and regional water authority Drents-Overijsselse Delta and partners in the context of the National Flood Protection Programme funded project Flood Resilient Landscapes

GOVAQUA (EU-Horizon)

Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe

GOVAQUA identifies, assesses, develops and validates innovative governance instruments and approaches to support and accelerate a transition towards sustainable and equitable water use in Europe. UT research is led by CSTM (UT-BMS Faculty) and focuses on understanding and assessing under what conditions innovations contribute to a transition and collaborative and participatory approaches.

LiveQuay (NWO-NWA)

Live Insights for Bridges and Quay walls

LiveQuay provides an integrated assessment of the safety and performance of bridges and quay walls in a decision support platform that is interactive and based on values from stakeholders. UT contributes to better information provision and improved engagement of citizens and other stakeholders in monitoring activities.

Dikes and Nature

Towards an integrated approach for flood protection in nature areas

This collaboration project aims to develop, implement and disseminate new knowledge for the implementation of nature-based solutions for flood protection in nature areas. This project is a collaboration between two CEM groups and regional water authority Drents-Overijsselse Delta and is connected to the National Flood Protection Programme financed Dikes & Nature.

Finished projects

Theme project "Critical infrastructure"

April- Nov. 2020

In this Deltares-led project, UT researchers cooperate with various consultancy companies to support regional governments in making decisions about improved protection of critical infrastructure against the projected impacts of climate change. UT contributed to a review of the state-of-the-art literature and conducted a governance assessment. This resulted in several webpages: This project is funded by the national government within the context of its water and climate programme for climate-resilient cities.

Explorative study (POV) highwater protection

July 2017- December 2018

This project was about identifying alternatives for heightening and strengthening the dikes along the Vecht river. In collaboration with regional water authorities Vechtstromen and WDO Delta, and Province of Overijssel. I contributed to this project in an advisory/researcher role. Key outputs include this MSc thesis and a guidance for practitioners (a hardcopy in Dutch is available upon request).

Regional Energy Transition as Systemic Integration (RETSI)

Aug. 2020 - July 2022

In the RETSI project, UT researchers cooperate with regional partners to: (1) identify factors influencing energy transition integration potential in rural and urban contexts and their interface; and (2) design new action perspectives for private and public actors for exploiting synergies of energy transition integration in different contexts. This NWO-funded project (MARET call) is implemented in collaboration between 3 UT Faculties (ET, BMS and ITC). For more information in Dutch, see:

KNOW2ADAPT: Knowledge transfer for climate adaptation

January 2014 - April 2017

In 2013, I received an FP7 Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship for my Know2Adapt project. In this comparative study, we analysed multi-level learning in European cooperation projects. This project was implemented at the Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of OsnabrĂŒck.


Acceleration of climate change adaptation in the Province of Overijssel (September 2018 -March 2021)

CATCH+ is a spin-off of the INTERREG project CATCH to accelerate climate change adaptation in the region Province of Overijssel. In this project, the University of Twente collaborates with regional water authority Vechtstromen, the municipalities Enschede and Zwolle, and colleagues of the University of Twente. This project is directly linked to the PhD research of Franziska Baack " (a joint PhD between Civil Engineering and CSTM).

Pilot project Deltaprogramme Spatial Adaptation

Oct. 2020 - March 2022

The initiative "Climate city Enschede: restoration of the Stadsbeek" is one of the pilot projects for the Deltaprogramme Spatial Adptation. As the project slogan "how water moves a city" points out, this project is not just about water and climate. Citizen engagement and empowerment has since the early phases of the project been of key importance. University of Twente researchers will evaluate the participatory approach of the project. In doing so, they will provide new insights in the relation between citizen engagement and widening of the project scope contribute to climate awareness and climate actions of citizens. For more information, see: Researchers involved: Franziska Baack, Beau Warbroek, Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Z227
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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