
dr. K.E. Konrad (Kornelia)

Associate Professor

About Me

I am Associate Professor of Anticipation and Assessment of Emerging Technologies. As one of my core research interests, I study the role of anticipation in innovation, reaching from an analytical interest in the role of expectations and socio-technical futures in research, innovation and its governance, to intervention approaches, such as foresight and socio-technical scenarios. The latter are a typical element of Constructive Technology Assessment, an approach that combines socio-technical analysis, stakeholder involvement and the use of socio-technical scenarios, as a means to feed knowledge on the socio-technical context and stakeholder assessments into the development and societal embedding of innovations. Further fields of research are socio-technical change, socio-technical transitions, innovation ecosystems, and the role of use and users in innovation. I have developed tools for facilitating responsible research and innovation (RRI) in technology research and development and studied conditions for RRI in different modes of innovation.

I serve as chair of the faculty research theme Emerging Technologies and Societal Transformations. I am associate editor of the journals 'Futures' and 'Engineering Studies', and a member of the teaching committee of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC).

I received a M.A. degree in sociology, physics and mathematics from the University of Freiburg i.Br., and my PhD from the University of Darmstadt. Before joining the UT in 2009, I worked at EAWAG, a research institute of the ETH domain, Zurich (CH).


Earth & Environmental Sciences
Technology Assessment
Social Sciences
Technology Studies


Research interests

  • anticipation in innovation processes
    • sociology of expectations
      • dynamics of collective expectations, hype cycles
      • anticipatory practices and modes of future-orientation
      • discursive analysis of promises and concerns
    • constructive technology assessment
    • foresight
    • responsible research and innovation
  • Socio-technical transitions
  • sectoral dynamics in innovation
  • innovation ecosystems
  • technology use
    • use practices
    • demand articulation
    • scenarios of use
  • nanotechnologies, energy technologies, eHealth


ter Huurne, E., van der Zwart, J. , Konrad, K., & Kloek, G. (2023). Burgerwetenschap voor preventieve zorg en welzijn: Inzicht in behoeften en mogelijkheden van burgers om met technologie aan hun gezondheid te werken. In S. Wildevuur, S. Dorrestijn, J. Jukema, G. Remmers, R. Wolkorte, R. van Wijk, & J. van der Zwart (Eds.), Veldboek burgerwetenschap voor gezondheid: Praktijkervaringen in regio Twente (pp. 100-106). TOPFIT Citizenlab.
Walhout, B. (2023). Making a difference? Nanotechnology and the quest for Responsible Innovation. [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036558778
Konrad, K. E. (2022). Constructive Technology Assessment: Linking TA to Innovation Processes . (STePS working paper series "Science, Technology & Policy Studies"; Vol. 2022, No. 01). University of Twente. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.2589-2169.2022.01
Konrad, K. (2021). Constructive Technology Assessment – TA als konstruktives Element im Innovationsprozess. In S. Böschen, A. Grunwald, B.-J. Krings, & C. Rösch (Eds.), Technikfolgenabschätzung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (pp. 209-219). Nomos Verlag. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901990-209
Visscher, K. , Hahn, K. , & Konrad, K. (2019). Alignment and positioning in innovation ecosystems: Exploring strategies van industrial firms. In Proceedings of the 20th International CINet Conference: Innovating in an era of continuous disruption (pp. 507-517).
Loesch, A., Boehle, K., Coenen, C., Dobroc, P., Heil, R., Grunwald, A., Scheer, D., Schneider, C., Ferrari, A., Hommrich, D., Sand, M., Aykut, S., Dickel, S., Fuchs, D., Kastenhofer, K., Torgersen, H., Gransche, B., Hausstein, A. , Konrad, K., ... Wentland, A. (2019). Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures: A Discussion Paper. In A. Loesch, A. Grunwald, M. Meister, & I. Schulz-Schaeffer (Eds.), Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges (pp. 285-308). (Technikzukünfte, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / Futures of Technology, Science and Society ). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-27155-8_13
Konrad, K. , Schulze Greiving, V. , & Benneworth, P. (2019). The role of user-led regional innovation networks in shaping responsible innovation in eHealth: lessons from the East of the Netherlands. In T. Iakovleva, E. M. Oftedal, & J. Bessant (Eds.), Responsible Innovation in Digital Health: Empowering the Patient (pp. 162-182). (New horizons in innovation management series). Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788975063.00018

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I teach in a number of social and technical programmes on master and bachelor level, in particular on topics related to my research, such as the role of futures and anticipation in innovation, societal embedding and technology assessment. I coordinate the minor ‘Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change’ and I am member of the teaching committees of the master programme Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society and the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC).

Affiliated Study Programmes



Courses Academic Year  2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses Academic Year  2022/2023

Current Projects

Finished Projects

Contact Details

Visiting Address

University of Twente
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 5101
Hallenweg 17
7522NH  Enschede
The Netherlands

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Mailing Address

University of Twente
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Ravelijn  5101
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands