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Hello everyone,

I am Kasandra, and I am thrilled to be joining the LISA team as the new Information Specialist for the BMS faculty. I am originally from Brazil, where I earned both my bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and my master’s in sanitation. I moved to the Netherlands three years ago to pursue a PhD at ITC. Despite my engineering background, I have been working across multidisciplinary fields such as health and social sciences, integrating qualitative and quantitative methodologies for the past eight years. While finishing my PhD, I realized that moving forward in my career, I wanted to use my expertise to help others increase the quality, impact, and visibility of their research.

When the weather allows, I like to play beach volleyball and go swimming in my free time. Otherwise, I love to draw (both manually and digitally) and spend time in bed reading a good book.

Feel free to stop by Carré to ask for advice on your information literacy or just to exchange some book recommendations.


  • Social Sciences

    • Waste Treatment
    • Plants
    • Water
    • Communities
    • Classrooms
    • Education
    • Project
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Investigation




WASH-friendly schools for whom? Integrating the perception of different school stakeholders in Brazil (2025)Social science & medicine, 367. Article 117753. Poague, K. I. H. M., Ramos, A. P., de S. Lopes, C. B., Gonçalves, G. V. L., Damasceno, M. B. R., Blanford, J. I., Martinez, J. & Anthonj, C.


Health Promotion and Homelessness in Germany. Co-defining Challenges, Co-designing Methods, Co-creating Solutions (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 1st International Citizen Science for Health Conference, CS4H 2023. Anthonj, C., Stanglow, S., Mingoti Poague, K. I. H., Flacke, J., Leinen, A., Fleming, L., Shuro, S. M. & Grunwald, N.Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Brazil pre-and peri-COVID-19 pandemic: Are schools making any progress? (2023)International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247. Article 114069. Mingoti Poague, K. I. H., Blanford, J. I., Martinez, J. & Anthonj, C.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

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