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Kartik Jain is an Assistant Professor of Biofluid Dynamics at the Engineering Fluid Dynamics group of the University of Twente. Kartik acquired his masters in Mechanical Engineering with a specialisation in Simulation Sciences from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany with a thesis on thrombosis modeling done in the laboratory of Prof. Sabine Roller. After that he moved with Prof. Roller to work as a researcher at the University of Siegen in Germany and obtained a doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) with summa cum laude. His doctoral dissertation characterized transition to turbulence in biofluid applications like blood flow in intracranial aneurysms and cerebrospinal fluid flow in the spinal canal. He contributed to the development of the APES simulation framework and enabled its scaling on largest supercomputers in Europe. Before moving to Europe, he acquired a Bachelor degree in Control Engineering from Kurukshetra University, India and then worked as a software developer in a leading IT company.

After completion of his PhD he spent two years as a Postdoc at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Zürich, Switzerland, where his research focused on computational modeling of renal hemodynamics and renal hypoxia within the Swiss national center of competence in research NCCR Kidney.CH. He thereafter returned to Germany to work as a senior scientist at the Institute for Computational Physics of the University of Stuttgart with Prof. Christian Holm. There his research focused on modeling of bacterial dynamics and biofilm lifecycle in confined geometries within the DFG collaborative research center SFB1313.

Brief Vita

  • 09-2019 -- Present: Assistant Professor of Biofluid Dynamics, University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • 08-2018 -- 08-2019: Senior Scientist, Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • 08-2016 -- 07-2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Physiology, University of Zürich, Switzerland
  • 02-2013 -- 07-2016: Research Scientist, University of Siegen, Germany


  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Flow
    • Liquid
    • Experiment
    • Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • In Vitro
    • Combination Therapy
  • Physics

    • Porosity
    • Reynolds Number


I am interested in intrinsic (bio) physics of physiological flows like blood flow in the cardiovascular system, circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricular system and flow in the microvasculature. My research group aims to understand physiological phenomena and pathophysiology of conditions through the use of numerical simulations and high performance computing. The vision is to bridge the gap between clinicians, engineers and biologists through the use of mathematics and computer science as languages that connect these disciplines.


The effect of varying degrees of stenosis on transition to turbulence in oscillatory flows, 1029-1041. Jain, K. and analysis of cerebral aneurysms based on X-ray rotational angiography - the CADA 2020 challenge, Article 102333. Ivantsits, M., Goubergrits, L., Kuhnigk, J. M., Huellebrand, M., Bruening, J., Kossen, T., Pfahringer, B., Schaller, J., Spuler, A., Kuehne, T., Jia, Y., Li, X., Shit, S., Menze, B., Su, Z., Ma, J., Nie, Z., Jain, K., Liu, Y., … Hennemuth, A.

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University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N227
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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